Cloth Diapering


I bought my unicorn used from a momma recently and I'm not sure about the condition. The aplix and elastic were just replaced, but the PUL looks wrinkly and the seams look a little weird and loose. The momma will let me send it back if I want, but now I'm debating keeping it because I LOVE this print. I paid $30 for this HTF print. What do you ladies think of the condition? I'm scared it is starting to delaminate because of the wrinkles, but maybe this is normal for a Softbum?


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Re: Delaminating?

  • Sgriff1Sgriff1 member
    Yay! Thanks for the response! I will keep it then :)


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  • I have a different brand of diapers whose PUL started out looking like that and I used them for well over a year with no issues with the PUL.  I think they are fine with respect to the PUL.  The stitching around the edge shouldn't be too hard to repair.  .  
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  • Look okay to me. Only when it starts to crack should you be concerned bc then it's time to either get them replaced from manufacture or ditch them bc you'll have leaking problems.
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