September 2013 Moms

Constipation and solids

For those of you that give solids nearly 3 times a day, have you noticed a change in the baby's bowel movements? My little girl has been having really hard stools the past couple of weeks. She stills goes 2-3 times a day but it's hard vs her mushy. I tried giving her prunes with her oatmeal and diluting some prune juice with water but hasn't helped. I just gave her half a suppository (since she's been pushing all morning with no big impact and seemed uncomfortable), but although it usually works instantaneously it hasn't yet. Any tips? Has anyone been here? Should i take her to the doc's?

Re: Constipation and solids

  • I gave prune juice and it helped right away. My pedi said to give half strength prune juice initially and if didn't help after 3 days to try full strength
  • Pears do/did the trick for both of my girls

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  • We had that problem too when she started eating more solids per day.  We stopped the cereal since it can be constipating.  I also give her a lot of fruit each day and sometimes pear or prune juice.  She gets probiotics daily as well.  It seems that starting the proteins, like chicken and turkey, have helped too.  My pedi wasn't too concerned though and said I can always give her a tiny bit of Miralax if she was really backed up and it seemed painful.
  • Salemkitty13Salemkitty13 member
    edited May 2014
    Debbipooh said:
    We had that problem too when she started eating more solids per day.  We stopped the cereal since it can be constipating.  I also give her a lot of fruit each day and sometimes pear or prune juice.  She gets probiotics daily as well.  It seems that starting the proteins, like chicken and turkey, have helped too.  My pedi wasn't too concerned though and said I can always give her a tiny bit of Miralax if she was really backed up and it seemed painful.
    This is us too except the probiotics. 
    Speaking of which, what type/brand probiotics do you use? @debbipooh @starscream‌
     My pedi said 3 days with the glycerin suppositories before I needed to call.
  • @salemkitty13 We use Gerber Soothe drops.  I put 5 drops in one bottle each day.  It has also helped her recently when she was put on antibiotics that are known for causing diarrhea in babies.  She was perfectly fine and I think the probiotics helped a lot.
  • Yeah my little one goes usually twice a day. Since starting solids it was very hard so I now give her puréed prunes everyday, she loves them so she gobbles them up! Her bowel movements became very soft and mushy after doing this. Sorry to hear the usual tricks don't seem to working.. Hopefully your LO will get some relief soon!
  • @AlejandraN2‌ when DS was having trouble with constipation the dr told me to take his temperature rectally. If that didn't work then suppository. If you've given prunes and water and suppository, I would call to see if they want you to do another suppository. Especially since you said Zoe was acting uncomfortable
  • Thank you ladies! Between the suppository (which she ended up just pooping out), and giving her prune juice with a probiotic, and skipping one of the solids meals she seems to be going a bit more regularly. Thanks for all the tips! I didn't know most of those probiotic brands - we've used naturelle and she hates it so i'll try some of the ones you mentioned. 
  • jenny5o5 said:
    We use the "p" fruits for constipation relief- pears, peaches, plums and prunes. Also, shy away from binding foods for a few days- potato, breads/pasta, carrots and dairy. Good luck!
    This. Every time I give DD any bananas or apples, she seems to have harder stools. Maybe not hard but not her usual mushy. If I lay off the bananas or apples, she's fine.

    I'd say wait a day or 2 and if she still hasn't gone then maybe take her in? Or take her in if she seems extremely uncomfortable. That's what I would do.
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  • A little apple juice works like a charm on DS.
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