For those of you that give solids nearly 3 times a day, have you noticed a change in the baby's bowel movements? My little girl has been having really hard stools the past couple of weeks. She stills goes 2-3 times a day but it's hard vs her mushy. I tried giving her prunes with her oatmeal and diluting some prune juice with water but hasn't helped. I just gave her half a suppository (since she's been pushing all morning with no big impact and seemed uncomfortable), but although it usually works instantaneously it hasn't yet. Any tips? Has anyone been here? Should i take her to the doc's?
Re: Constipation and solids
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I'd say wait a day or 2 and if she still hasn't gone then maybe take her in? Or take her in if she seems extremely uncomfortable. That's what I would do.
BFP 1.5.13 - EDD 9.5.13 - Ysabella Sofia born 9.12.13