August 2013 Moms

Random, AW & Vents

It's about time for this thread again.

I need to AW today because let's face one else will probably care ;)

LO learned to wave "bye-bye" today and I caught it on video! I was so excited!

Now I need to go wake him up, time for water babies and he's been sleeping over an hour :) It's a good friday so far.
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Re: Random, AW & Vents

  • LEMSALEMSA member
    @MinnesotaMomma91‌ what's stbxw? I know xw is ex wife

    I really like my PT job better than my FT one. It pays better too. It just doesn't offer benefits. Fuck! FT job asked if i was gonna quit for the other job. I wanted to scream HELL YES! But instead I just smiled and made some BS up. Technically it's not FT, it's PT w benefits. But I still hate it.

    DH and I need to have a come to Jesus after all our summer travel. He needs to get a job w benefits.
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  • ludaliludali member
    JEALOUS @HauntedRadio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • @starscream REALLY? They blame your H?! Crazy bastards! 

  • Also jealous @HauntedRadio‌! My little car is crowded :)
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  • @starscream‌ teeth are over rated! I miss LO'S gummy smile!
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  • @lemsa its soon to be ex wife. Ill probably just call her a or bentleys sm
  • Vent - We moved into the new house yesterday. It was a long long day, and its all still not moved(just little crap that will fit in cars.) All I wanted to do was get LO's stuff settled, so I started her wash....The washer is broken, wont agitate...and the dryer works, but when the door is opened, it just keeps spinning...Seriously! On top of that, the faucet it in the kitchen is plastic....The most used faucet in the house, and its made of the fridge is smaller than our old one...Ahh the joys of renting.

    AW - My pool is friggin AWESOME!!!! Still need to balance out the chemicals...but I love looking out the back door at it. OH, and LO is starting to get better at pulling up...Looks like we switching right to walking, skipping crawling..

    Random - I am going to a Just Between Friends consignment sale tomorrow. Hoping to snag some great deals

  • Vent: I'm still dealing with fallout from our foreclosure 3 years ago. It's a long, stupid story, but it turns out we still owe $3k. We've worked so hard to overcome all of this, and it seems like every time we start to get ahead some new bullshit pops up. At least I'm fairly certain we'll be able to take care it and not have this hanging over our heads anymore. On a more positive note, I'm really happy I have DH. He's fantastic, and we can get through anything together.
  • rooftoprooftop member
    I"m so excited. I was finally able to order a wedding band to replace my engagement ring. I also just bought a ticket for me and baby to go visit my BFF in phoenix next month.

    Engaged 10/2/1202
    BFP (a lil quicker than expected) 12/7/2012
    Married to my best friend 12/24/2012
    Beautiful baby girl arrived 8/15/2013
    BFP #2 3/13/2016

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  • @starscream‌ oh no! What a nightmare! Hopefully you were able to keep the poo off of your car while changing him. We have had our fair share of blow outs but thankfully not while we were out and about.
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  • This just happened:

    I thought I smelled poop when we were at Kinko's but I didn't give it another thought. While I was waiting for my fax to go through, I took Wheezy out of his carrier. The smell of poop slapped me in my face and my hand was moist when I touched his butt. I look at his pants and the poop juice has seeped through his pants. Did I mention there was poop juice on me too??? I couldn't leave because my debit card was still in the machine so I had him stand on the floor. I got to the car to change his diaper and the poop had come through the side of his diaper, it was on his thighs, it was up his back.

    This is the second time in his life that we have had a stage 5 blow out, the first time he was days old and we were at home. By the grace of god I had his big diaper bag and not the little tote that I usually take when we are out for a few minutes.
    I'm sorry, I'm laughing cause this has totally happened to me! Haha. Hope you got all that "poop juice" cleaned up. ;)
  • @Bunnyfer‌ let me know how it goes! I've always wondered if they were worth it!
             Baby C - 08.23.13
  • Aw: lo working on her present for mil. I stole the idea from @v&g101808.
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  • @starscream‌ oh no! What a nightmare! Hopefully you were able to keep the poo off of your car while changing him. We have had our fair share of blow outs but thankfully not while we were out and about.

    Apparently I must be so fucking shallow because the car was the least of my worries lol. I was more interested in how much the stain on my clothes looked like poop juice.

    Totally forgot about the fact you had poop juice on your clothes. That would have been my concern as well. I have tried changing my guy in the car now and it's not easy. He doesn't fit laying down in the backseat very well anymore. So I was imagining changing a blowout in the car would be very tricky.
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  • @HauntedRadio‌ oooooooo very pretty! I like that it is black :)
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  • kwreckskwrecks member
    @HauntedRadio I've always said I would NEVER be a van mom.  I'd want to have a big SUV or something.  However, that van is pretty.  And the idea of all that space makes me want to have a van. 


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  • I was making LOs dinner and went to grab him and realized he had a poopy diaper. I saw that there was a little poop juice escaping and while it was really full I was glad we avoided a pooplosion. Then I looked over to where he had been playing and saw poop on the carpet. Sigh
  • @Bunnyfer‌ let me know how it goes! I've always wondered if they were worth it!
    I will let you know...I am beyond excited to go...there was one in March I had to miss so looking forward to this

  • @janneann1127, that's a beautiful story.
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  • @janneann1127, that made me teary. I have no doubt that was her telling you that everything will be ok, and you're doing a great job. @starscream, I think the best part of this story is that most every A13 mom who read that knows all about poop juice.

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  • ludaliludali member
    This random is about me.  I work from home (office in finished basement), went up to the kitchen to grab clean pump parts...came down with a leftover piece of Mother's Day cake.  Where are the pump parts?  Sitting on the kitchen counter.

    But mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...cake!!!!!!!!!  

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