April 2014 Moms

Mama vs. Momma

edoliesmomedoliesmom member
edited May 2014 in April 2014 Moms
This is kind of a pointless poll other than to satisfy my curiosity, but which spelling do you use and why? I'm kind of wondering if the "momma" spelling is more of a southern thing.
February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

 Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3

Mama vs. Momma 212 votes

67% 143 votes
32% 69 votes

Re: Mama vs. Momma

  • I've always used momma because that's what my mom used. I am from KY so it could be a a southern thing.
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  • I like momma more, but mama is so much easier
  • I never heard of anyone using momma...not sure if it's a regional thing (I'm from PA). I've always used mama but I do like momma better.
  • ksulli said:

    I think mama is more phonetic... Interesting.

    I think in kindergarten terms so I could be wrong. I just think "o" octopus, "a" Apple.... Idk.
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  • mamrotu73 said:

    Mama. I live in the south but grew up in CA.

    I think they are clearly pronounced differently, but still both phonetic.
    Mama repeats itself. Momma is mom+ma; two different sounds strung together. I pick mama because children often use repetitive sounds.

    Random: a friend's kid called me girl-girl for a while before he learned my real name.

    Wow. Beautifully put!

    Annnnd hilarious that you were called girl girl, how cute!
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  • ksulliksulli member

    I think in kindergarten terms so I could be wrong. I just think "o" octopus, "a" Apple.... Idk.
    Yeah, I agree and stand by mama. But more of a 'pie a la mode' A than 'apple' A
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  • I picked Momma because I like the looks better. As a teacher, I completely get the repetitive thing of the sounds though.
  • Not sure if it matters but I'm Canadian and I would use Momma. Mama seems very babyish to me and would represent the babling sounds that babies make. Dadadada and mamamama would be the sounds that babies make naturally (along with bababababa and others) that we like to think of as first words when really they are just repeating sounds and then later figure out they can represent mom and dad once they get certain reactions out of adults by making those sounds.
  • Hmm.. This is all very interesting! I'm glad I posed this question! I guess my southern theory is out the window. lol I use "momma" because 1) that's how I was taught to spell it, and 2) because "mama" seems more of a Hispanic or Italian term.
    February Siggy Challenge: Favorite TV couple ~ Jim & Pam <3

     Edolie Mae ~ April 21, 2014 <3
  • I use mama but momma wins phonetically to me (sort of) Typically in CVCV words the first vowel is long, but CVCCV words the syllables spilt between the consonants CVC-CV mom-ma the final a should have the long sound but in this case follows the schwa rule. Ohhhhh phonics.

  • If I heard it pronounced, I'd spell it mama in my mind (surprise, surprise)

    That said, I am "mommy" to kiddo. Mama seems like a babyish term and I really only call myself by that name during the early infant months and/or when kiddo is sick or hurt (i.e. "Awww, come to mama, I'm sorry you're hurt!")
  • I prefer Mama. No justification, but Momma looks wrong to me. 
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  • Mama- Not sure why ;)

    Also, my heart totally melts when my 6 year old calls me mama. 
  • maelicmaelic member
    I said mama, but I'm actually going to be mamma, which is the Italian word for mom.

    Never heard anyone using momma before but I live in New England.
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  • Mama seems like a babyish term and I really only call myself by that name during the early infant months and/or when kiddo is sick or hurt (i.e. "Awww, come to mama, I'm sorry you're hurt!")

    So funny - I feel the opposite. "Mommy" is the babiest of the bunch!

    I had no idea there was so much variation in this. Kind of fascinating.

  • bethy84 said:
    I much prefer Mama and I agree that Momma has always seemed more southern to me.  Mama also seems to be used a lot in the crunchy world.
    Those minion hats in your signature. LOVE!!!!
  • I use mama but momma wins phonetically to me (sort of) Typically in CVCV words the first vowel is long, but CVCCV words the syllables spilt between the consonants CVC-CV mom-ma the final a should have the long sound but in this case follows the schwa rule. Ohhhhh phonics.

    As someone else who regularly teaches these phonics rules, this totally cracked me up!!

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  • Could def just be a southern thing. I call my MIL momma. That's always how I spelled it.
    Me = 28
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  • I spell it based on how it sounds. Mom-ma.
  • ksulliksulli member
    These are two different words.
    *Married 10.10.08*
    TTC #1 9.09 - BFP#1:2.18.10= missed m/c, D&C 4.16
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    TTC#2: 2.13 - BFP#3: 7.25.13=Kelsey born 3.31.14
  • I prefer Mama. No justification, but Momma looks wrong to me. 

    This. Mama is easier for me to say too.

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