TTC after 35

MEN! (loss metioned)

edited May 2014 in TTC after 35
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Re: MEN! (loss metioned)

  • Ooooof! They are indeed lucky they make sperm. Mine has been pointing out all week that it's that wonderful time of the month when he can say whatever hideous things cross his mind and still be guaranteed sex. Charming.

    Hugs to you. Life is long and complicated, but at least the odds that every single one of your remaining birthdays will be much better than that one (including the polyps one) are very, very good.
    *****Signature/Ticker Warning******

    Me: 41, DH: 45
    DD, 6/15/2013
    TTC #2 beginning January 2014
    AMH 1.05; FSH range 7-11

    July 2014: IUI #1.  Follistim + Pregnyl.  2 follicles--BFN
    September 2014: IUI #2.  Follistim + Pregnyl + Ganirelix + Crinone.  4(?) follicles--BFN
    October 2014: IUI #3.  More Follistim + More Ganirelix + Pregnyl + Crinone.  4 follicles--BFP!  Beta #1=10 Beta #2=33 Beta #3=97 Beta #4=158.  M/C 11/1/14
    December 2014: IVF #1.  Microdose Lupron protocol.  9R, 9M, 9F.  3 5-day blasts transferred 12/15. BFFN.
    April 2015: IVF #2.  Microdose Lupron protocol.  16R, 15M, 12F. Transferred 2 5-day blasts 4/12 and froze 4--BFP!  M/C 5/25/15
    August 2015: IVF #3.  14R, 13M, 11F.  Froze 5 blasts for CCS testing.  3 normals.  FET planned for 10/2015.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    My Ovulation Chart

  • Oh jeez I'm sorry. What was he thinking? Oh wait they don't. Big hugs.. There needs to be a class for our husbands :)

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



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  • Those comments would have made my blood boil.  Why are men such insensitive bafoons sometimes?  Geez. 

    Wishing you all the best for a much better birthday this year as well as a great year to follow.

    **** siggy warning - bfp & loss ****   ---- All Welcome ---

    Me: 44 - Hashimoto's (under control), DH: 38 - (minor issues)

    IUIs: 2 in 2012 ... Both BFN
    IVF #1: 10/16/13 ... BFP, however it was not viable and ended in an early loss at 7weeks.

    IVF #2: Feb '14 ... Cancelled. Positive beta at baseline appt, became very early loss.
    IVF #2: Apr '
    14 ... Retrieval Only. 2 embryos made it to day 3 freeze & will be batched with IVF #3 for PGD testing.
    IVF #3: June '14
    Retrieval Only. 4 embryos growing, all arrested before day 5. Two from April thawed, but also arrested.
    Currently benched while determining how to proceed.

    "Keep going until you can't fail"


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  • They just don't get it sometimes. So supportive one day then foot in mouth the next. I feel like this birthday is going to be a much better one for you...positive thoughts and a very happy birthday wish for you!
    *TW below*
    Me: 40 DH: 38
    TTC since November 2012
    BFP IUI Cycle 2 Dec 2016
    Baby Boy Due Sept 12 2017
    Elias (Eli) born 9/2/17 at 7:07pm weight 8lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long!!

  • Well I would of killed him and got a donor just can be so stupid....hoping you have fantastic birthdays from now on.....
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
  • that is such an awful thing to say! i'm sure he was trying to cheer you up or erase your memory or somthing like that/ i can just imagine a guy's brain, they are so linear sometimes.
    TTC#1 since Aug 2013, I'm 37, DH 41.  
    Maya Arvigo Abdominal massage (daily self care), plus TTC meditations.
    I'm very sensitive to diet (gluten, avoid processed foods) and environment. Have a history of inflammation and tendinitis before going off gluten in 2009.  
    July 2014 - RE Visit #1: Eggs look good, Endometrioma on R ovary, HSG showed blocked R tube close to ovary. DH SA normal 
    DX: Endometriosis probably the IF cause and gunking up tubes.  Since egg reserve is high, RE says I can wait a couple months and then get laproscopic surgery to remove endo & clear tube.  If that doesn't help then move to IVF. 
    Dec 2014 - Saw new RE - does not recommend surgery on tube as it isn't likely to help.  Doubts I have endometriosis.  My endometrioma shrunk to neglible size (yay!) 
    Seriously considering IVF in March/April
    12/17/14 - Natural BFP! 
  • CaraHCaraH member
    Oh my God. My miscarriage started in the middle of a party,too. That most definitely did NOTmake it better. Maybe more public, long before I was ready to talk about it. Overall a good day? I keep trying to come up with rationale that makes that work, but I can't. He's on his own here...
  • Men are such nuckelheads sometimes. they really don't think about the emotional cost of things sometimes. And I'm sorry to hear that happened on your birthday - it's hard enough dealing with the loss without a yearly reminder. Hugs...
  • Giiiiiiirl, my mouth dropped open (LITERALLY) reading that. 

    I would have socked him in the face right then. Yes, LITERALLY. 

    Me 38   DH 34
    married 05-21-11 
    started TTC right away

    BFP- 10-16-14 EDD 6/13/15: MC 12-1-14 
  • He needs to make your birthday awesome this year and get you whatever you want. Seriously, he owes you big time. Derp

    I would throw a Polyp Party for myself and make this year awesome.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I can picture my DH saying something stupid like that to me. Unfortunately a lit if times they talk w/o thinking, they think they're helping but truly they're making it worse. (((((Hugs))))) to u grime here on out gl with the surgery
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