Chit Chat

I have a new niece today!

I'm sure in most families this is something to celebrate. However, I only found out while scrolling through FB this afternoon. No call, text, or even a message via my MIL! I'm kind of having a hard time getting excited for a new family member when my SIL doesn't even think to let me or DH, her only sibling, know of the birth. DH and SIL are not close, but they get along just fine. They just don't have much in common so they don't speak much except around the few times a year we can get to DH's hometown for a visit. I get along great with SIL, even talk to her more often than DH does. Unfortunately SIL doesn't seem to realize that she's hurting our feelings by not including us in the list of people you would call first when a baby is born. By the way, we also found out she was pregnant via mass FB message...again, nothing personal. This is SIL's third child, and with each one she's told us less and less about the pregnancies and births. For those of you who have kids, does this sound normal? I feel hurt, but if this is common I will put my feelings aside. Thanks for letting me vent. :)
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