Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Waking after 40 minutes

DS is 3.5 months old and is a fair sleeper. Not great, not bad. When he was first born, DH and i would let him fall asleep on the sofa w us until we went to bed around 10:30 and then he would go in his bed without issue. Then we gradually moved his bedtime up to 9:30 recently. Now, without fail, he wakes up 40 minutes after I put him down even though he is passed out when i lay him in his crib. He doesnt self soothe yet and i wont do CIO this young. Any thoughts as to why this could be happening? It usually takes at least 30 minutes to get him back down, which kinda makes the earlier bedtjme pointless.

Re: Waking after 40 minutes

  • Everyone has 'brief awakenings' in the sleep cycle. Adults just put themselves back to sleep, but babies don't know how. My daughter wakes up always at 30-40 minutes, I give her the pacifier and she goes back to sleep. This is very normal. I anticipate this wake up at 30 min and go to her right away. If she wakes up completely, it's very hard to get her back to sleep.
  • I know you mentioned you don't want to do CIO but it might be worth a try.  We let our 4 month old daughter fuss for 10 minutes and if she doesn't self soothe then we go in and rock her till she falls back asleep. I always check her diaper as well just to see if that's what woke her up.  If she starts really screaming, I usually go in before 10 minutes.  I'm amazed at how many times she has put herself back to sleep before the time is up.

    I've been doing CIO since she was about a month old and haven't had any issues.  Do you swaddle?  Sometimes that keeps them from waking themselves up if your baby moves around a lot in their sleep. 
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  • Wow people on here are once again out of control.

    Yes, I don't love my baby at hit the nail right on the head.   *Rolls eyes*

    I just have no words. 
  • Maybe I did "misunderstand" and so did all of you. My baby is not crying tears and screaming bloody murder while I sit in the other room being a cold, unloving, awful mother as was suggested here.

    She often will let out a little noise in the night, we call it peeping so I turn on the video monitor (hard to believe a cold mother would have one right?!) and watch to see if she wakes up. She will sometimes move a little sigh and then fall back asleep. Maybe I misunderstood as this is not crying it out. There have been nights where she will make some noise and then let out a loud cry and I go right in. Typically those times she's wet and I change her diaper.

    No wonder people hate these forums most of the people here are so rude and put one another down. We are all mothers and women and should support one another. Not cuss one another out and accuse people of being cold parents.

    I love my daughter and no one has the right to tell me I don't. Everyone has their own way they parent and in my eyes no one way is right. Belittling people....maybe you can all teach your children how to do that.
    Met DH: 2.5.2008
    Engaged: 4.9.11
    Married: 9.22.12
    Baby Girl J Born: 1.23.2014 via c section - Due with Baby #2: 5.27.2016
  • Posting from 2 accounts... @apostle922‌ and then @apostle85‌
  • Had one from the knot and one from the bump that are auto logged into my phone and laptop. Not sure why that's a big deal.
    Met DH: 2.5.2008
    Engaged: 4.9.11
    Married: 9.22.12
    Baby Girl J Born: 1.23.2014 via c section - Due with Baby #2: 5.27.2016
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  • @apostle85 @apostle922, whichever account you're using today, you have a PM. Or two.
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