One & Done: Only child

HUGE Moment...what was yours?

Last night, DD went into her crib at 7:30 WITHOUT CRYING OR MAKING A FUSS!!!!!!!!   She fell asleep on her own around 8 and SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT IN HER CRIB!!!!!!!!!

This is like the 4th time in history she has done this.  This is a HUGE moment.  I am sure she will be a terror tonight, but this is one thing I am thankful for in the last 24 hours.

What is your huge relief moment recently with LO or what is something you are thankful for today?


Re: HUGE Moment...what was yours?

  • When we lost his binki at my sisters house. We came home that night and fussed a lot but finally went to bed. The next day it's like he completely forgot about it!!! I was so happy to not have to search for that damn thing 500 times a day or go in at night and put it in his mouth b/c he was to sleepy to do it himself yet would cry..... 

    PS congrats! I hope she keeps it up for you! That is a really big step :)
  • lildis09 said:
    DD slept from 8p-4a last night. Now, if only I could turn off my brain & go to sleep earlier.
    My issue is waking up multiple times to check the video monitor to make sure she is okay since she isn't squawking. 


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  • KS02CS08 said:
    I was crying yesterday missing my family and my dd hugged me and said its going to be OK. :)
    So sweet!


  • Um cant tag @BostonKisses2,,broken

     our one and only *

    DS - 2011


  • lildis09 said:
    lildis09 said:
    DD slept from 8p-4a last night. Now, if only I could turn off my brain & go to sleep earlier.
    My issue is waking up multiple times to check the video monitor to make sure she is okay since she isn't squawking. 
    She sleeps next to me, so even though she is a quitet sleeper (when she's not sure waking multiple times) she usually rolls into me or kicks me to let me know she is OK. LOL
    Yes, part of our issue is that 90% of the time I love having her in our bed, but 10% of the time I just want to spread out, so we have been super inconsistent.  I am trying REALLY hard to keep her in her crib now that she will be 2 this week, but that is kind of our "special time" together since I am gone all day.  I know we need to be consistent FOR HER, but it is hard.


  • meo34 said:
    This weekend and he was so at ease all day with no aniexty or no OCD. His appetite was back and he went bike riding, played with his remote control cars, played with his friend next store. It was 180 degrees. I said eariler this week I don't think I fully realized how bad it had gotten until I saw him back to normal. I was on the verge of crying all day everytime I say him being a happy normal kid, and I am so not a sentimental crier. It was a huge moment :)
    That is HUGE @meo34  what do you think you can attribute part of that to?


  • meo34meo34 member
    Giod-good. I neede to learn to edit posts!
  • DS spent a night with my ILs. First time ever away from both me and DH. Apparently he was the perfect angel, complete opposite of how he is with me. Actually took FILs hand and led him to bed, then fell asleep in 5 minutes. For me, he still nurses to sleep, takes 30 min, then wakes up multiple times per night and is cranky butt during the day. Maybe I need to make some changes at home. :/
  • dd potty trained end of December and then had problems pooping on the toilet forever. she finally started pooping once in a while on the toilet end of March, then picked it up more often in April and I can finally say she's officially pt'd. huge milestone for us! I'm sure there will be set backs and regressions, but whatever.
  • meo34meo34 member
    meo34 said:
    meo34 said:
    This weekend and he was so at ease all day with no aniexty or no OCD. His appetite was back and he went bike riding, played with his remote control cars, played with his friend next store. It was 180 degrees. I said eariler this week I don't think I fully realized how bad it had gotten until I saw him back to normal. I was on the verge of crying all day everytime I say him being a happy normal kid, and I am so not a sentimental crier. It was a huge moment :)
    That is HUGE @meo34  what do you think you can attribute part of that to?

    Maybe this is FFC but to be brutally honest medication. We had a very blunt intervention with a pysch dr who told us what we needed to hear instead of what we wanted to hear. It was tough to hear but the truth and we needed to get over our hang ups and get on board. It is unbelivable the difference. We are still doing CBT but he needed help for it to even work effectively. I am giod with our decision now but struggled for a few days.
    That is not flameful at all.  There are cases where medication is 100% warranted to get a person to "level".  For example, I was able to manage my anxiety/OCD with only therapy for my whole life until postpartum.  I knew therapy wasn't working so have been taking 25mg of Zoloft every day to help get me to "level".

    I feel 100% myself again and know that I wouldn't without medication.

    I don't mean to make this about me, by any means, but wanted to share that I completely would have made the same decision as you did and that I think medication is an aid to get better, just like anything else (therapy, meditation, etc).

    Good for you, mama!
    Thanks!  So good to hear from someone who have been through it.  He said last night it is the medicine and the dog that helps, but not therapy. LOL.  He is a reserved little soul.  He loves the new puppy so that definitely helps too!
  • meo34 said:

    meo34 said:

    This weekend and he was so at ease all day with no aniexty or no OCD. His appetite was back and he went bike riding, played with his remote control cars, played with his friend next store. It was 180 degrees. I said eariler this week I don't think I fully realized how bad it had gotten until I saw him back to normal. I was on the verge of crying all day everytime I say him being a happy normal kid, and I am so not a sentimental crier. It was a huge moment :)

    That is HUGE @meo34  what do you think you can attribute part of that to?

    Maybe this is FFC but to be brutally honest medication. We had a very blunt intervention with a pysch dr who told us what we needed to hear instead of what we wanted to hear. It was tough to hear but the truth and we needed to get over our hang ups and get on board. It is unbelivable the difference. We are still doing CBT but he needed help for it to even work effectively. I am giod with our decision now but struggled for a few days.

    @meo34, OCD is almost impossible to treat without meds. As a therapist, I am always very up front with my patients' parents about that. I let them know that we may not make much progress in therapy unless their child takes the medication recommended by the psychiatrist. Good for you for choosing the best thing for DS. The kids I see with OCD usually do amazingly well on meds...usually a very drastic difference!
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  • meo34meo34 member
    meo34 said:
    This weekend and he was so at ease all day with no aniexty or no OCD. His appetite was back and he went bike riding, played with his remote control cars, played with his friend next store. It was 180 degrees. I said eariler this week I don't think I fully realized how bad it had gotten until I saw him back to normal. I was on the verge of crying all day everytime I say him being a happy normal kid, and I am so not a sentimental crier. It was a huge moment :)
    That is HUGE @meo34  what do you think you can attribute part of that to?

    Maybe this is FFC but to be brutally honest medication. We had a very blunt intervention with a pysch dr who told us what we needed to hear instead of what we wanted to hear. It was tough to hear but the truth and we needed to get over our hang ups and get on board. It is unbelivable the difference. We are still doing CBT but he needed help for it to even work effectively. I am giod with our decision now but struggled for a few days.
    @meo34, OCD is almost impossible to treat without meds. As a therapist, I am always very up front with my patients' parents about that. I let them know that we may not make much progress in therapy unless their child takes the medication recommended by the psychiatrist. Good for you for choosing the best thing for DS. The kids I see with OCD usually do amazingly well on meds...usually a very drastic difference!
    @myaflowers.  Thanks so much for that perspective, that is exactly what the psychiatrist said!  We saw 3 therapists and no one told us that.   So it was kind of unexpected when the psychiatrist hit us with it.  So glad you see positive outcomes with medication and therapy.  Gives me a lot of hope.  It really means so much to hear!
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