
Since I can't seem to remove myself from the wiener thread (intro)

I thought I would give a formal hello.

I am Banker.  I have been a regular on TTGP for longer than I like to admit and recently graduated.

I like 1D (I think Harry might be my fav), enjoy cheeses of all kinds and meat in tube form.

I am ashamed to say that I have never seen an episode of Sherlock.  

Anything else I am leaving out?


Re: Since I can't seem to remove myself from the wiener thread (intro)

  • Hi and welcome! And congrats on your pregnancy!

  • Hello, welcome , and congrats!




  • Loading the player...
  • Now please go watch some Sherlock mkay?




  • BankerBSNBankerBSN member
    edited May 2014
    Beets- love them and the fact they turn my poop red

    Cilantro- could eat it daily

    Soft pants- no pants is better

    Returning carts- I always return them and even try to park close to the cart return to easily put It away.  

    Cadbury cream/jizz eggs- jizz eggs

    I always think of @cruelsound when I pull though a parking spot cause I know that would make her hate me and possibly flick me off.


  • Bears- I am more afraid of encountering a raccoon than a bear

    BattleStar Galactic-  I will start this as soon as I catch up on Sherlock 


  • Hi!
  • Hi friend! I'm glad you're here!
    Started TTC 2/2009
    Started fertility treatments 11/2010
    Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
    6 failed medicated IUI's
    Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
    Decided to adopt - 6/2012
    SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012 
    Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
    Decided to be "One and Done"

    ....OR NOT.
    Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
    Here we go again...
    Due 8/26/19!
  • Welcome! 
  • I recognize you from my short stint and lurking over there.  My steak and eggs made a visit there, though. 

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • The better question would be, why would you WANT to remove yourself from the wiener (wiener? weiner? eh) thread?

    Remove myself from the wiener or the wiener from me. 


  • MaebbMaebb member
    Congrats on your graduation, and hi!
  • Welcome!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
  • I lurk on ttgp more than I would like to admit so I feel like I already know you. creepy stalker here.
    Samesies. I squeed all over your BFP thread I'm pretty sure. I'm back on TTGP now, pulling double duty. Welcome to Parenting. :)
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • Pulling through is when you pull into a spot to park then as you are leaving, instead of backing out, you pull through the empty spot in front of you.

    I don't do this often but when I do I make pugs cry.


  • You don't pull through but you should always pull out


  • I think I love you.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

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