May 2013 Moms

Baby pushing me away

edited May 2014 in May 2013 Moms
My heart is breaking in a million pieces. Last night and again today, baby has been pushing me away and screaming when I try to rock him to sleep as we usually do. Hubby comes in and he is right as rain. He wants daddy to rock him - not me. I really hope this is a phase because it is really hurting my feelings - I feel like my baby doesn't like me anymore. I try to play with him while hubby does something in the kitchen and he just stands and cries for daddy. Is anyone else's baby going through this? I am just a mess tonight and feeling so low. Baby doesn't want me anymore. :(

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Re: Baby pushing me away

  • OohgurlOohgurl member
    I think they all go through a phase of wanting one parent or another. If you lurk on the Toddler 12-24 month board, lots of parents are reporting the same thing. Your baby loves you! He is just asserting his independence and ability to make decisions.
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  • KashyKashy member
    DS does this when my H is around.  As soon as H gets home from work I can no longer hold him or he will fuss and fuss until daddy gets him.  It is probably just a phase like PP said.
    I look at it this way, it makes me happy to see how much he wants to be with his daddy after being with me all day everyday. Honestly it brightens up my H's mood everyday when he comes home and sees how happy DS is to see him. 
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  • I know how you feel. DS weaned from BFing and then went into a daddy phase. Made me feel like a POS kicked to the curb. DS will bounce back and forth on who he wants to hold him. But he definitely gets excited and happy to see me when I come home from work.

    I would take the daddy phase and turn it into a positive thing. Take a shower, bathroom break, snack/drink break.

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  • Lo is going through a daddy phase andhas for a couple weeks. Before that it was a month long mommy phase. It will pass.
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  • Emmett won't let me rock him to sleep either. Unless he's nursing, he pushes me away and screams. However, as soon as my H goes in there, he'll lay down and let him do it. It's always kind of bugged me, but I've gotten over it. I think that he must see me as the nurser, and my husband as the rocker. :-)
    As for during the day, don't let it upset you. Babies be cray. Just this weekend, Em was acting weird and would cling to me and cry if my H tried to hold him. Yesterday, he couldn't crawl to him fast enough when he got home from work!

    It will pass. Hugs!
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  • Thanks girls. Hoping for a better night tonight. If not, just gotta tell myself that it's just a phase.

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  • S has always shown a preference for DH than me. It's not a fun thing to see, but it's going to happen. According to the handout of "what's next" that we got from our pedi at her last appt, it actually says that babies start to show a preference for one parent over another at this age. While it can be difficult as a parent to not be the one who the preference is for, It's important to not treat them any differently. I know it still sucks, but just knowing that it's not something we did, but rather a stage in their life makes me feel better at least.
  • blush64blush64 member
    A isn't doing this to me but I have seen so many babies and kids go through this. A shows a preference for me at this point but I know that can change at any time. I know it is a stage she will probably go through I don't look forward to it.

    One of my sisters has gone through this with each of her four kids. Daddy could do no wrong for them. The phase did not last.

    I hope it evens out soon.
  • My mum told me that one day soon E will show a preference for someone else whether it be my H or a grandparent and when that happens it really hurts. We all did it. Your baby loves you to bits and it's just a phase. Hugs.

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