Have any of you dealt with an unsupportive parent during your adoption process? How did you deal with it? It seems my mom can only focus on the negative and she's missing out on the fun, exciting things she should be enjoying with me, like baby shopping, discussing the names we've picked, painting the nursery, or just talking about having another grandchild. I realize she might be scared since she doesn't know much about the process, but i've tried many times to explain it to her and she just focuses on the negative. It's like she doesn't hear the good parts. I don't know what to do. Any advice out there? It would be much appreciated!
January 2014--Picked Agency, had informational Meeting and turned in Application
June 2014--Started our Home Study (all paperwork &fingerprinting that ensued)
August 2014--Finished our Home Study and Officially Waiting

Re: Unsupportive Parents
Started seeing RE Aug 2013
Cycle #1 – IUI #1 10.31.13 - BFN
Cycle #2 - IUI #2 cancelled – FAIL
Cycle #3 - IUI #2 12.27.13 BFN
Cycle #4 - IUI #3 1.24.14 BFN
Cycle #5 - IVF #1 with ICSI(2 3bb blasts) 3.19.14, no frosties.. BFN
Surprise BFP on 6.10.14 ... Miscarried 7.7.14
Walked away from Fertility Treatments and began to look into our Foster/Adopt License in April 2014.
Our Journey Blog... http://salatafamilyest2008.blogspot.com/
Have you asked her straight out why she is dwelling on the negative? Is there direct negative adoption experience that she's projecting onto you? There could be a million things going on that are coloring her perception and reaction to it.
Have you checked out In On It? It's a book geared specifically toward families of those adopting so they can get a better idea of what a typical adoption looks like these days and how they can be supportive.
What is your family planning background? If you've had losses or trouble TTC, or if your mom has, she may be projecting her fears about this falling through as well, and is using her behavior as a way to try and protect you.
Just some things to think about. Unfortunately it's fairly common for adoptive parents to not get the same positive reaction as a pregnancy
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