Baby Names

Max Ernest

We love the above names for a first and middle - and think Ernie is really cute for a nn. But it obvs has huge Sesame Street associations. Do you think that will pass once friends / family associate the nn with a cute little boy?

Re: Max Ernest

  • As long as he doesn't have a twin named Bert, I think it's adorable. Those darn Muppets have claimed too many names (Elmo, Kermit, Grover, etc.). I'm in favor of Ernie being treated like Oscar. The association is there, but it's not completely dominant.

    Also, have you seen Sesame Street lately? It is The Elmo and Abby show. Ernie is (sadly) a rather minor character for our children and their peers.
  • I have an Uncle Ernie and he is great!  I didn't immediately think Sesame Street.  I think it is cute.


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  • I have a cousin Ernie. The Sesame Street reference was never an issue
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  • The Sesame Street thing doesn't bother me at all. But I will say, Max Ernest, if used together in this order, makes me think Max Earnest... As in maximum seriousness. It makes me picture a rather somber child. But maybe that's just me. ;-)

    *************Siggy Warning. Loss mentioned.************

    Me: 36, DH:37

    Married 4/2010, TTC since 7/2011

    Dx: Officially Unexplained (I have Polycystic Ovaries diagnosed via ultrasound, but few classic PCOS symptoms, he has mild MF issues. So... not issue free, but nothing so severe as to explain IF)

    I also deal with post-surgical Hypothyroidism following Thyroid Cancer in 2009, but under control with Levothyroxine

    4 months Clomid (thinned lining) and 10 months Letrozole (every indication that I responded perfectly)

    6 failed IUIs in 2013, 3 with trigger

    IVF #1 in March 2014

    ER 3/21/14, 31R/21F, 12 frosties!

    ET 3/26/14, 1 perfect blast transferred: BFN

    FET#1 5/28/14, 2 "beautiful" early blasts transferred. BFP!!

    Beta #1 (6/11/14) 798; Beta #2 (6/18/14) 7,966.

    1st u/s (6/25/14) showed 2 sacs, 1 empty & 1 with a beautiful little bean doing what it needs to do!

    EDD 2/14/15, missed miscarriage, DX: Trisomy 21. D&C 8/1/14

    FET#2 Transferred 3 embies, 2 looking pretty good, one not so much. BFN.

    IVF#2 January 2015, tentative ER 1/23

  • Thanks for your feedback guys, all good points.
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