Single Parents

OMG, it's only Tuesday...

20thirteen20thirteen member
edited May 2014 in Single Parents
I'm so exhausted.  I'm starting to get insomnia again, and nothing I'm doing is helping me.  I don't fall asleep until 1am or 2am and then DD is up between 5am and 6am. I try to stop drinking caffeine by 10am so that I can avoid the cycle of drinking coffee all day and being awake all night because of it, but it's starting to get really hard to not grab a cup of coffee (or tea) to get a shot of energy at 2pm so I can finish the rest of my work day.  Also, DD goes to bed about 8pm and wakes up pretty early for a child who is only taking one nap a day!  

Anyone have any sleep advice for either me or DD?  She seems well rested, so I'm not entirely concerned, but I am definitely not.
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Re: OMG, it's only Tuesday...

  • Have you tried taking melatonin an hour or two before bed? Also since you are in front of a computer for work all day the artficial day light in your computer might be contibuting to the insomnia so when you get home from work after you and harley eat try going outside the fresh air and natural light may help.

    Also i read or journal before bed to help shut my brain off.
  • My XFI used to suffer from insomnia and he was told not to use any technology for two hours before he went to bed, get some calming spray (his was lavendar and camomile, but I think you can got loads of different kinds), to spray on his pillow an hour before bed and to tense all his muscles from head to toe once he was in bed a couple of times. It worked for him, but I guess his was a very mild version. A last ditch attempt would be sleeping pills, but the only time I ever took them I couldn't function the next morning, so that may not be a good idea. Sorry I probably wasn't mutch help.

    Single Mummy-To-Be | TTC January 2014 | Natural IUI with DS March 2014: Resulted in BFN | Natural IUI with DS April 2014: Positive! | EDD 10th January 2015

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  • Thanks guys! I'm so tired, I forgot I posted this!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Oh @roxalot you poor thing. Also try chamomille tea before bed
  • I've never been a fan of chamomille tea.  I'm not sure why, I've been trying to like it for years, but I just can't stand it. I am going to try the going outside more thing and the tensing and relaxing thing too. Maybe I just need a massage. LOL
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  • eg214eg214 member
    I hope it gets better for you soon! I've been battling a migraine and out of my mind sleepy for days upon days. I finally got a little "caught up" today. LO and I slept in on and off until about 11am. Holler.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • I count backwards from 99 three times. Like this:
    99 99 99
    98 98 98
    97 97 97
    and inevitably I will forget what number I was on cause I start thinking about whatever, so I start back at 99. And if I dose off and wake back up and forget my number, I start back at 99. It's a tip someone once gave me and it works!
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