I'm so exhausted. I'm starting to get insomnia again, and nothing I'm doing is helping me. I don't fall asleep until 1am or 2am and then DD is up between 5am and 6am. I try to stop drinking caffeine by 10am so that I can avoid the cycle of drinking coffee all day and being awake all night because of it, but it's starting to get really hard to not grab a cup of coffee (or tea) to get a shot of energy at 2pm so I can finish the rest of my work day. Also, DD goes to bed about 8pm and wakes up pretty early for a child who is only taking one nap a day!
Anyone have any sleep advice for either me or DD? She seems well rested, so I'm not entirely concerned, but I am definitely not.
Re: OMG, it's only Tuesday...
Also i read or journal before bed to help shut my brain off.