
I could really use some hugs and positive vibes right now...

We are sitting at the hospital waiting for the dr to see DS. He had a febrile seizure a couple hours ago. He was napping in his crib and started making a weird noise, he was face down and thank god I heard the noise and went right to him. All the what if scenarios are running thru my head right now and its awful. I'm incredibly scared and just feeling generally fucking frazzled. I also feel like I will never sleep again.

Anyone have experience with this? I could really use some ccommisseration/comfort from others' experiences with positive outcomes. I feel like I'm going to fucking lose it. This was the scariest thing I've ever had to endure in my life.
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Re: I could really use some hugs and positive vibes right now...

  • msdrdgmsdrdg member
    I have no experience, but sending lots of positive thoughts.
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  • Was it due to fever? I always get anxious about fevers because of that, but from what the nurses at work have told me they are common.

    Hugs and good luck.


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  • I don't have experience but wanted to send huge hugs to you and hope everything is OK.
    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • My DS had one when he was about 2.5. He was at my Mom's having lunch and she said he was talking and then all of sudden his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell off the chair.

    DH and I were about 20 minutes away so we had to race to get him to the ER. His fever was 105 when we got there. It was terrifying so I have an idea of what you're feeling.

    It took a couple of hours but they got the fever down and we were home in about 5 hours. So scary!

    I do have to mention that he's never had another one and he just turned 4. I did research and it seems like they are scary as hell but not really uncommon. Thinking positive thoughts for you and your DS!!

    Sorry for the tl;dr!
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  • Sending so many good thoughts your way. ((Hug))
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • @angelashly yes it was due to fever. When the rescue got to the house his temp was almost 104.

    I seriously am not going to sleep tonight. Or ever again, it feels like.
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  • Big hugs. I'm sure that was terrifying for you! Hope his fever comes down soon.

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  • Lurker here to say my DS had a febrile seizure at around the same age as yours caused by an ear infection. It was the scariest thing I've ever been through and I'm sorry you had to go through that with your DS. As terrifying as it is, the good news is that very often kids only ever have one and that has been the case so far with mine.  I also had febrile seizure when I was about 18 months and have never had another. Most kids have no lasting effects from it, from what I understand.


    Hope your DS is feeling better soon. And you too- it is very stressful!

  • 1Panda1Panda member
    I hope everything turns out ok with your ds! I know I'm super duper new around here, but that sounds so scary so I'd like to offer some internet ((hugs)) anyway!
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  • Thanks you guys. I fucking love all of you. Im terrified and I never want to see my baby go through that again.

    @MabelShesABiotch‌ you have know idea how much that means. It really helps to hear others experiences. Thank you so very much.
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  • According to my MIL, MH had a few when he was little as well. So I wonder if there is a link, genetically.
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  • I'm so sorry @MrsT0514‌ fevers scare me even though they are helping the body. I know what you mean about sleep. I've been on the floor next to her bed sleeping the last couple days.

    Are they keeping him?


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  • Oh how scary! Praying they get the fever down.
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  • Ah, so scary! I don't blame you for being freaked. Fwiw, I have no personal experience, but a friend's lo had one when she was a baby and now is almost 4, perfectly fine, and hasn't had another. Figured another anecdotal couldn't hurt!

    Big hugs to you . I hope you are able to rest soon
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  • Ugh, that's terrifying. I'm glad he's looking better.

    I had them several times as an infant and had no lasting effects. My mom said it was easily the scariest thing she's ever dealt with.

    You guys will be good :)
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  • RVASC811 said:

    How terrifying! Sending you hugs and good vibes. There does seem to be a genetic component, just based on people I know. I know a couple people whose kids had them, and that's when their parents got around to saying, "Oh yeah, we did have that INCREDIBLY TRAUMATIC incident when you were little. Forgot to tell ya!"

    Ha. Thats exactly what my MIL said to MH when he called her.
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  • That's so scary. Huge hugs!

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  • MrsT0514 said:

    @angelashly‌ we've been stuck at intake for fucking ever. But they've been treating with ibuprofen and tylenol, we gave him some pedialyte and crackers, and he finally seems to be bouncing back. Hoping to get into a room to see a dr soon.

    I hope you get some answers soon. I'm glad he is reacting to the medicine.


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  • How frightening! Hope he feels better soon. Thinking of you...

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



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  • I just wish all the "what if" scenarios would stop trolling thru my brain.

    "What if" I didnt notice right away? He was face down and not moving. What if he suffocated?

    Ugh. I'm mentally just spent. Im just so scared to even go home and try to sleep tonight.
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  • I hope your child is doing okay now. DS1 had a seizure just over a year ago. After some testing, we have no idea why it happened and he's been fine since with no seizures. The good thing is that there is usually no harm to the child. He barely even remembers it, even though it terrified me. Good luck and hugs.
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  • Sending you all the hugs and good vibes! Hoping you get some answers, and rest, soon!
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  • So sorry you are having to go through this! My son has had three, the first one was the worst. So traumatizing! I had one as an infant and a few of my cousins also did.  The worst is over, now you know what to expect and you can read about how to handle it in case it does happen again. We are very quick to give Motrin/Ibuprofen for any fever, Tylenol doesn't seem to work as well for him.  He has had a few fevers now with no seizure so i'm hoping he's outgrown it.  Hang in there! 
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  • Hugs girl. Sending all my thoughts, good vibes, and prayers for a quick recovery for your LO.
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  • MaebbMaebb member
    My friend had them as a child when she ran a high fever, and her daughter (19M) has had them too. They're both good, and my friend grew out of them. T&P's for you and your son.
  • Big hugs to you! As I understand it, and PPs said, there aren't any lasting effects. I can't imagine how scary it must have been though!




  • sorry you're going through this! And I hope LO feels better soon.
  • Big hugs! Hang in there Mama!

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  • How scary! Looks like you've gotten some good responses. Hopefully they help you to feel better. I have no advice, just hugs. Don't beat yourself up about what could have happened. Hope he feels better quickly!

  • Many hugs and hope all turns out fine. Let us know how your DS is doing tomorrow.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • I'm so sorry to hear about that. Hoping for a good update tomorrow!!!

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    But I know, yes, I know we’ll be alright
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  • Wow! I'm sure that was terrifying...hope he's on the mend!
  • Big hugs to you hon. I hope he feels better soon and that you are able to get some rest.

  • I'm so sorry, that had to be very scary! Sending good vibes your way! <3

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  • @haygurlhay‌ you're so sweet..thank you :-)

    Unfortunately we are still stuck at the hospital. Fever shot back up, so they're trying to get it back down before discharging us. No more seizures though...and I'm hoping to God it stays that way.
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  • @mbm1983‌ im sorry you had to go through this shit too. Glad to hear your DS is doing well now. This shit is fucking awful. My anxiety is thru the roof now!
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