Parenting after 35

Appt tomorrow

So I found an OB/GYN in our new city and I have a new patient appt tomorrow to ask about the stiffness and joint pain I've been having. Wouldn't you know it I am suddenly getting sick and my husband can't watch the baby so I will have to take her with me. I'm not sure what to do. What would you guys do? Can you even cancel an appt the day of? I really don't want to because I really want to figure out what's going on with my body, but if I feel any worse tomorrow I don't know if I should be going anywhere. I have a cough too. Ugh! :(
Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.

Re: Appt tomorrow

  • I would go and take my DS with me. I hate missing appointments especially if it took me awhile to get in.
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  • I would take DS rather than cancel.  I had to bring DS1 to some of my OB appointment with DS2.  Unless there was an internal it was NBD.  I just made sure he had something to keep him entertained (mainly my phone).

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  • Geeps2Geeps2 member
    I would go and bring the baby if you have to especially since you have been talking about being sore for a while now.  It is no fun to be in pain for that long with no answers.  I had an appointment for my annual the week before Easter and I brought the little guy along.  My situation is different because I have been going there for over 2 years and they love seeing him there because he scared the bah-jesus out of all of us by being born in the office instead of the hospital as was the plan.  The nurses all want to hold him since he is the office celebrity so if he was acting fussy they would have watched him for me. Luckily he fell asleep so he just slept in his carrier while I got my exam.  It may get a little hairy but you need answers and hopefully an easy solution to feeling better.  I know around here in Jersey a lot of Drs offices will charge you a fee for not cancelling an appt. with more than 24 hrs notice.  

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  • GuennieGuennie member
    My husband told work he needed to leave early and he came home to watch her, I was so grateful! The dr ordered a bunch of labs so we'll see if they show anything. I took a couple ricola lozenges with me so luckily I didn't cough all over everyone.
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
  • I hope they are able to figure out what's going on.  Keep us updated!
  • GuennieGuennie member
    Thanks, I will! She's checking my thyroid, iron levels, blood count, checking for arthritis and some other stuff I can't remember.
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
  • Guennie said:
    Thanks, I will! She's checking my thyroid, iron levels, blood count, checking for arthritis and some other stuff I can't remember.
    I'm glad that your husband was able to stay home. FX that you get some answers and it's nothing serious. 


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  • Geeps2Geeps2 member
    Glad you were able to go.  Hope you feel better soon.  As Whipple said keep us posted on how you are doing.

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