*Siggy Warning*
TTC since 11/11. 10 months natural= 10 BFN 8/12 First appt with RE 4 semen anaylsis later 1.9 million count, 21% motility and very poor morphology Me- bloodwork, 2 ultrasounds, HSG exam =I'm fine / 3 months of testosterone treatments = 3 more BFN DH bloodwork after 3 months treatment= no change/
RE says we can continue with hormone treatment for MIF, RE says we can try IUI but doesn't expect the results to be good based on severe MIF/
IVFw/ICSI Cycle #1 1/11/13 Antagonist Protocol IVF Cycle #1 Canceled due to poor response and lead follicle problems. 1/18/13 started Provera to get body back to baseline / take a break to re-evaluate and recoop finances
IVFw/ICSI Cycle #2 4/13/14 Supressed with Estrace for 7 days. / Started injections 4/22/14. Baseline -0 follicles Started 75iu menapur/150iu follistim, morning and evening injections ER- 8 Retrieved, 7M, 7F, 5/8 transferred2 Good 8 and 9 cell Embryos. Beta #1 at 11dp3dt 67! I'm pregnant! Beta #2 174! Ultrasound scheduled 6/6/14
Ultrasound on 6/6 confirmed a singleton pregnancy and a heartbeat, although my iradic breathing would allow us to get the rate. Second ultrasound measured great and got to hear he heartbeat!! 176 bpm Graduating to my OBGYN with our next appointment with them being 7/23/14
Re: Trigger shot tonight!! what to expect? Could I ovulate before retrieval?!
Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
Me: 30, DH: 32
My hx: uterus/hormones normal Dx: low AMH 0.5 = poor ovarian reserve
hubby hx: low sperm count, poor motility, started on clomid, retest in May showed no improvement, will be on clomid another 3 months, another retest scheduled for August
Started IVF #1: ~BFP Mentioned~
Me: 32 DH: 34
TTC #1 since June 2011, RE December 2012
HSG: tubes clear SA: Perfect AMH: 0.9 in Jan 2013 0.7 in March 2013
Femara June 2013: No repsonse. Serophene July 2013: No repsonse
Follistim August 2013: 12 follicles, 4 mature, IUI, and a BFN.
April 2014: Lost 30lbs, got my thyroid under control. Started IVF
May: BFP! EDD 1/6/2015 Heatbeat 167!
Now: Canyon James born 12/30/14 at 6:21pm via emergency c section. 9 lbs 19 1/2 inches