
Trigger shot tonight!! what to expect? Could I ovulate before retrieval?!

So as usual I'm analyzing everything. I did my last injection of ganerelix this morning and went in for my us and bw. Ultrasound showed 16 follicles ranging from 5-22mm in size. About 10 are 12mm or larger. So looking like we should get a decent amount! A few May be over cooked- like 22mm one is a little big - but stil happy with numbers. So I trigger tonight (Saturday May 3) at 9:30est and go in Monday(May 5) morning at 7 for a 7:30 retrieval. How does this work. With me not taking ganerelix tomorrow- could I ovulate before my retrieval? That's what worries me most! Any side effects with your trigger shot? I'm scared and excited having not made it this far because we had to cancel our retrieval the last cycle. Oye- hopefully this will all be over soon- at least no injections tomorrow!

*Siggy Warning*

TTC since 11/11. 10 months natural= 10 BFN 8/12 First appt with RE 4 semen anaylsis later 1.9 million count, 21% motility and very poor morphology Me- bloodwork, 2 ultrasounds, HSG exam =I'm fine / 3 months of testosterone treatments = 3 more BFN DH bloodwork after 3 months treatment= no change/  

RE says we can continue with hormone treatment for MIF, RE says we can try IUI but doesn't expect the results to be good based on severe MIF/ 

 IVFw/ICSI Cycle #1 1/11/13 Antagonist Protocol IVF Cycle #1 Canceled due to poor response and lead follicle problems. 1/18/13 started Provera to get body back to baseline / take a break to re-evaluate and recoop finances

IVFw/ICSI Cycle #2 4/13/14 Supressed with Estrace for 7 days. / Started injections 4/22/14. Baseline -0 follicles  Started 75iu menapur/150iu follistim, morning and evening injections   ER- 8 Retrieved, 7M, 7F, 5/8 transferred2 Good 8 and 9 cell Embryos. Beta #1 at 11dp3dt  67! I'm pregnant! Beta #2 174! Ultrasound scheduled 6/6/14

Ultrasound on 6/6 confirmed a singleton pregnancy and a heartbeat, although my iradic breathing would allow us to get the rate.  Second ultrasound measured great and got to hear he heartbeat!! 176 bpm Graduating to my OBGYN with our next appointment with them being 7/23/14



Re: Trigger shot tonight!! what to expect? Could I ovulate before retrieval?!

  • Good Luck. They time the trigger shot/retrieval so they don't miss the ovulation. Try to relax!!!

    Make sure to review the directions ahead of time, so there is no panic on your end.

    For example, my bottle said IM, but my doctor note said "subcutaneously" so I paniced as I worried they didn't match and what should I do. I ended up having to call the emergency number out of panic, only to realize the nurses more specific directions explained the bottle would tell me something different.. 

    Moral of the story, look at everything ahead of time unlike me! LOL

    Good Luck
    ===siggy warning====
    Me: 40, DH: 42
    Diagnosis: PCOS
    TTC: May 2013
    TX: IUI #1 with Follistim. Canceled due to too many follicles (10 + that were large); BENCHED
    IVF #1 March 6. 14 eggs retrieved, 10 fertilized. 
    March 11, 4 eggs transferred.
    March 21 BFP  :) Beta #1 457, Beta #2 1350, Beta #3 9619. 
    Due Date November 27, 2014

  • Totally normal fear, but don't worry. The hcg does the final maturation and they knew that ovulation will happen a certain number of hours hours later, so they time it accordingly to exploit the maturation but before ovulation occurs on its own.

     If you haven't had an IM shot before (and if this one is), be sure to watch a training video like on Freedom Fertility Pharmacy so you feel comfortable with it. 

     Good luck!
    ---- Elizabeth
     (Child mentioned) 

    Dx: PCOS + MFI (low motility and morphology)

    IVF w/ ICSI cycle #1 
    9 days stimming with Gonal-F, Menopur, Cetrotide
    ER on 4/21 - 19 eggs retrieved, 12 mature, 8 fertilized normally
    3 embryos survived to blastocyst
    2 hatching blastocysts transferred on 4/26
    Faint BFP on 6dp5dt and getting darker each day
    Beta #1 (11dp5dt) = 292
    Beta #2 (18dp5dt) = 6,154
    Ultrasound at 6w2d reveals a single baby with a heartbeat of 125 bpm! EDD 01/12/2015
    Ultrasound at 8w0d: heart rate 164 bpm
    Ultrasound at 9w4d: heart rate 185 bpm
    Panorama tests returned in 10 calendar days. Low risk for everything!
    It's a boy!!!
     Mom to a 7 year old daughter, conceived with IUI (Clomid + Repronex) after 2 years of IF, 2 cancelled IUIs and 2 BFN IUIs
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  • Ovulation occurs a minimum of 36hrs after your body's HCG surge, which for us is the trigger shot. Most retrievals are set 32-36hrs after trigger to optimize egg maturity, but timed just prior to natural ovulation. It's important to take the trigger at the precise time given. But because there is a little cushion space, it's not always detrimental if missed, as long as you are late and not too early taking it.
    Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
     Loss and IF veteran. Current mom of DS 5.5, DD 2, and sometimes DH 40. Due June 2021 with TWINS
  • Tea+Tea+ member
    I agree with the others. Only side effect I had was a couple days later I had a sore spot. Otherwise, I don't think any. Good luck!
    TTC Since 2012
    Me: Endo Stage IV (20+yrs) (who knew? Not me)
    MyLove: Pretty Ok. Low #s (i think) 
    IVF#1: No Eggs to Retrieve
    Taking time to ourselves
     Poor Responder will add COQ10 & DHEA next cycle
    **All Welcome**


  • dp21dp21 member
    No side effects.  It was great having the day after off from injections :) 

    30, DH: 32
    My hx:  uterus/hormones normal Dx: low AMH 0.5 = poor ovarian reserve
    hubby hx: low sperm count, poor motility, started on clomid, retest in May showed no improvement, will be on clomid another 3 months, another retest scheduled for August

    Started IVF #1:  ~BFP Mentioned~
    • ER (Thursday April 17th, 3 precious eggs).
    • April 18th: Received news 2 out of 3 eggs fertilized!
    •  Planned 3dt: Easter day, transferred two 8B embryos and received pictures :)
    • BFP starting 8dp3dt 5/1 Beta #1: 87, 5/3 Beta #2 206 
    • 5/19 Heartbeat 123bpm
    • EDD 1/8/15

  • gnl42gnl42 member
    I ovulated before my retrieval and we had to cancel. I don't think it was because of the hcg trigger being timed poorly though - as everyone has said, they time that precisely. I started to ovulate on my own for some reason despite being on ganerilix. We went ahead with the trigger just in case I hadn't ovulated as we were waiting for blood tests to confirm... but unfortunately, I had. From my understanding, it is pretty rare for that to happen. I hope all goes well for you. Good luck! 
    Me (31), DH (33), one furbaby (7) - unexplained IF 
    hysteroscopy and polypectomy 2/14
    IVF #1 3/2014 - cancelled (early ovulation)
    IVF #1.2  ER 5/16/14: 23R 18F -  freeze all (12) due to concern for late onset OHSS 
    FET #1 in June - delayed due to thin lining, 7/18 SET (7.5 mm lining) resulted in chemical pregnancy
    FET #2 in Sept - 9/4 transferred 2 CCS tested embryos (6.5mm lining)
    9/13 beta #1 - 400, 9/15 beta #2 - 950, U/S 9/22 one gestational/yolk sac - next up 9/29
    3 frozen CCS tested embryos remaining
  • Normal fear. But they time it usually at 36 hours to avoid that happening. Side effects: I had a hot flash, that's it. It was nice not having injections the next night.

    Me: 32  DH: 34

    TTC #1 since June 2011, RE December 2012

    HSG: tubes clear SA: Perfect AMH: 0.9 in Jan 2013 0.7 in March 2013

    Femara June 2013: No repsonse. Serophene July 2013: No repsonse

    Follistim August 2013: 12 follicles, 4 mature, IUI, and a BFN. 

    April 2014: Lost 30lbs, got my thyroid under control. Started IVF 

    May: BFP! EDD 1/6/2015 Heatbeat 167!

    Now: Canyon James born 12/30/14 at 6:21pm via emergency c section. 9 lbs 19 1/2 inches


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