August 2012 Moms

Non talkers.

stlmomma27stlmomma27 member
edited May 2014 in August 2012 Moms
I have posted about this before, but it need to know what everyone's LO is doing. I have taken ds to two ENT'S and they have both told me the same thing, that LO's ear are fine, he's not tongue tied. I am getting worried about the lack of words that he is not saying. The words he says: Daddy Lilly Mickey, but you can't hear the M sound Bye or bye bye What is that? It's not clear. Yes or yeah Thank you, hums it more than says it. For Sofia, the show...he says the end of it, like ia. He will call daddy, but not once has he called mommy. Is anyone else dealing with a non talker? He wants to babble more than anything. Like, he talks, but it's not real words. He doesn't go to daycare. He's with me all day. We do go to the park, mall, my sisters house.

Re: Non talkers.

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    I had this typed into different paragraphs, but it didn't save that way.
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    KEfam5KEfam5 member
    My LO only says a handful of words. Juice, water, hi, dada, she barks like the dogs do so I count that as a word because it is a mimic, she also makes a rooster sound. She will often repeat something I say but not use that word on her own. Many of the moms I know say that their kids started talking right around their second birthday. I am not too concerned, I know she hears just fine and she is great at babbling. And I will be an AW for a minute. The other day she sat down in front of DS swing with a book and "read" it to him. No real words, but she knew what she was doing. She even barked when there was a picture of a dog. It was so adorable.
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    SJandVASJandVA member
    Please try not to be concerned, they are still young. DD2 isn't talking that much either. I need to remind myself sometimes not to worry. DD1 was speaking a lot at this age. She could sing Taylor Swift songs.
    DD2 has some words. But most stuff is kind of muffled. Like, she sings Let It Go but the words aren't clear, at all. But the sounds are there.
    I might be naive but I trust the doctors schedule for appointments for developmental things. At 24 months when she goes for her check up if the doctors are concerned then I will be too. But not until then.
    victoria5month samantha5
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    My state has free speech and evaluations - I would look into this. Reading and pointing out all and naming helps too
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    sdlaurasdlaura member
    If your instincts say that something is wrong, then I think you need to have your son evaluated by a specialist. If not, I think you need to let it go and follow the advice of the doctors you've already consulted who have said nothing is wrong.
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    I wouldn't be too concerned at this point; they all develop at different rates. My friend said she noticed that age 2 was a big milestone for talking. It's harder for them if they do not have an older sibling, too. DS just babbles all the time. It's so funny because his voice has inflection and he shows facial expressions, like he's really trying to say something. There are only a few words that he can say: Dada (rarely), Pa (for grandpa), kitty (sounds like titty or ditty), puppy (pa-um), fish (ish), outside (o-side), ball, and cookie.
    I used to be more worried about these things, especially since he still does not call me mommy, but after talking with other parents I learned that it's not too uncommon at this age. I will probably only bring it up at his 2 year appointment if he doesn't seem to make any real progress until then.
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    One thing you could check is their hearing. I've noticed since getting tubes my son who did talk before talks even more now that there is no fluid in his ears.
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    MoFreeMoFree member
    I feel strongly that if you have any concerns you should have her checked out. Worst case scenario is she is developmentally on target and does not qualify for speech therapy.
    TTC since 3-08 IVF # 1 Dec 2011 BFP DD born at 31 weeks 6-24-12

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    PGD yielded 2 perfect 5d blasts

    SET November 9, 2014
    Nov 23, 2014. Another BFN

    Not sure where to go from here.


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    If you are concerned have him evaluated, if he qualifies then he will get the additional help, if not then you know he is developmentally fine.
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    He's been checked out twice, by ENT's. He's had his ears checked by the pedi also. I'm beginning to think that is just stubborn and will do it on his own time.
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    MoFreeMoFree member
    reece0099 said:

    He's been checked out twice, by ENT's. He's had his ears checked by the pedi also. I'm beginning to think that is just stubborn and will do it on his own time.

    The evaluation I was referring to was by a speech language pathologist, which is different from one performed by an ENT or a pediatrician.
    TTC since 3-08 IVF # 1 Dec 2011 BFP DD born at 31 weeks 6-24-12

    FET #1 Dec 2013 BFN

    FET # 2 Feb 2014 BFN

    No more frosties

    IVF #2. September 2014

    PGD yielded 2 perfect 5d blasts

    SET November 9, 2014
    Nov 23, 2014. Another BFN

    Not sure where to go from here.


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    Toni79Toni79 member

    I agree with PPs.  They all develop at differant rates and from what I've heard the 2nd birhtday is a huge milstone, and alot of kids really start talking more then.

    Also, if your LO sees that you are stressing over it or "forcing" the issue of talking, they might be more reluctant.  Kind of like potty training!

    I second @annieluvsjordan 's recommendation of using Baby Signing Time DVDs.  Most libraries have them if you don't want to buy them (and they might be on NetFlix too).  We started watching them around Thanksgiving / Christmas time and DD LOVES them.  She started picking up a few signs right away and now she knows a TON!  We watch them together and I reinforce the signs in everyday situations (pointing to a dog/car/etc and saying the word and doing the sign).  I found that she would use the sign for something before she even tried to say the word for it.  But now she tries to say most of the words that she knows signs for.  I've really seen an increase in her vocabulary since we started watching them.  Plus its fun! 

    Also as others have mentioned alot of the times she doesn't say the whole word ... I think its normal for them to repeat just the last syllibal of a word for a while before they actually start saying the whole word.  And because she's not saying the whole word, most outsiders can't uinderstand what she's saying.  Even DH has a hard time understanding her sometimes!

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