I finally saved up for a train table! I was so happy to find a deal on one. It was still more than we have ever paid for one toy and I barely have room for it in our place but he loves it!
We love our train table. Your guy will get tons of use out of it. Which one did you get? For his last birthday, when everyone asked me what A wanted, I just suggested getting him a train so he has a crazy collection now. It worked out great because Thomas trains get expensive!
We love our train table. Your guy will get tons of use out of it. Which one did you get? For his last birthday, when everyone asked me what A wanted, I just suggested getting him a train so he has a crazy collection now. It worked out great because Thomas trains get expensive!
It was this table but we were lucky enough to find one that came with a few track sets as well as wooden trains. Add in what he already has and he is set for a while!
Re: AW:Train Table!