May 2013 Moms

Hard to believe she is 1.

Baby girl turns 1 today and it has me feeling a little sad, where has the time gone? With the DS and DD1 it was very exciting but today I feel a little sad to see her grow up and that she is my last baby to turn 1. I go back to work Monday so that isn't helping much. 

                              Audrey    05/13                                               Charlotte 08/10
                                                            Graydon 02/09

Re: Hard to believe she is 1.

  • JoJo716JoJo716 member
    I am right there with you. I don know why, but this milestone has me feeling really emotional. I just feel like it went so fast and he changed so much. I know I soaked it in as much as possible but I still wish I could slow down time.

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  • CNJ4EVACNJ4EVA member
    Happy Birthday to your LO!
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  • Aww, happy birthday to your DD. I know the feeling, my girls turned 1 last Friday and we most likely won't have more children so it made me a bit sad too. But happy also... Bittersweet.
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  • LO was one last Saturday. So, so crazy. I think I'm still in denial. hahaha
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  • Thanks ladies.
                                  Audrey    05/13                                               Charlotte 08/10
                                                                Graydon 02/09
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