August 2014 Moms

ahh my nipples!

I am  FTM and my nipples are hurting so bad. Is this normal? is there anything I can do to help with the pain?

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Re: ahh my nipples!

  • Yes, normal. It gets more fun when newborn baby latches onto said sore nips ;) I've never found anything that stops the hurt but lanolin or coconut oil might help a bit.
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    Tiny Man 05/31/2012  I Tinier Man 07/28/2014
  • Mine go from being really itchy, to painful! It helps if I keep a comfy bra on so there is no rubbing and I've put a ton of my oatmeal/Shea butter. I was thinking of lathering a nursing pad w this lotion and sticking it in the fridge then putting it in my bra haha might help since it's in the 90s this week too
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  • Mine go from being really itchy, to painful! It helps if I keep a comfy bra on so there is no rubbing and I've put a ton of my oatmeal/Shea butter. I was thinking of lathering a nursing pad w this lotion and sticking it in the fridge then putting it in my bra haha might help since it's in the 90s this week too

    This is me...the nips itch so I scratch and hey now they hurt. What sucks is when the nips start to radiate pain into the whole breast...but that may be because I think my breasts grew again...
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  • I've posted about this before but I swear by earth mama angel baby nipple butter. I put it on after every shower while pregnant and used it after my daughter nursed. I never had any pain breast feeding and I swear it's because of this stuff. I started with it late this pregnancy and was itchy and sore. I've been using it about a week now and no nip pain at all
  • My right nipple has been extremely itchy. I want to tear it off. 
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  • Mine actually bother me most in the morning and my right one was particularly bad for about two weeks. I hate that I'm in pain but can't say out loud "damn, my nipple is killing me !" Without getting weird looks from coworkers. I've been using cocoa/shae lotion in the morning and evening and that has helped with the itching a lot ( on my stomach, too) It's because my damn boobs keep growing! Pre pregnancy, I always wished they were a little bigger but now I regret every time I had. That thought!
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  • abirdd9abirdd9 member
    If they happen to get SUPER itchy and flaky and cracked have your care provider take a look. I had this during my pregnancy with DD and it was thrush (a yeast infection). I was prescribed a cream and used it for about 10 days and instructed to wear nursing pads and wash my bras in hot, hot water and it cleared up no problem. I was miserable just thinking it was dry skin for a month. 
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