Babies: 3 - 6 Months

5 1/2 month old won't sleep anymore! Help!!

Ok so here's the situation.. My little girl at 2 months old slept thru the night beautifully until 4 1/2 months. I mean 7-9 hrs, bf, then slept an additional 3 hrs. However now it is a different story. My baby is waking up every 1-3hrs crying her eyes out and she does not settle, she gets worse and worse! She's not hungry, she's not cramping, I don't know what to do!!! Can teething be this bad? She's been doing this for almost a full month now! I've even resorted to taking her into bed with me and sometiems it works, sometimes she still screams. Any ideas?!?!?! :(

Re: 5 1/2 month old won't sleep anymore! Help!!

  • I don't think so.. She is BF and eats every 3 hrs during the day and then I do a cluster feed before bed....
  • Yes I have tried feeding her. Some nights she does eat, but most nights she'll use me as a pacifier for 2-3 mins and fall asleep. Could it be a growth spurt?
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  • My 4 month old has been doing the same exact thing. Was sleeping beautifully up until 14 wks and then it was like having a newborn. Nursing every 1-2 hrs, wouldn't sleep in crib and super clingy. I talked to my dr and since he is a big baby (16 lbs and 26 inches) she put him on solids to see if that aliviated some of the night feedings. Still too early to tell if the solids are making a difference, but it's worth asking your dr. Also, it does sound like your baby is experiencing sleep regression which is normal. I just downloaded an app for my iPhone called The Wonder Weeks. It will take you week by week thru the behavioral and mental leaps your child is going thru. Really helps you feel less crazy!!!
  • Im in the same boat as you ladirs. DD did great sleeping through the night from 2.5 mo on and now thats all gone to hell. Up at least twice a night now, wanting to feed. I am so exhausted. I was just going to wait it out too and assume things will go back to normal.


  • bty19bty19 member
    Yepppppppp!!!!  4mw (or so im told/hoping). My LO is doing the same stuff. I was up 4 times last night. Only thing that seems to help is to feed her.

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  • Sound like the 4 month sleep regression I've been hearing so much about.  I agree about the Wonder Weeks app, it is so helpful!!!
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