Hello ladies! My DS was born on Sunday, 4/27 at 34 w 3 d, unexpectedly, as he was due in June. I had a really good pregnancy with no complications, so it was quite a surprise! He is doing well in the NICU and we're hoping for a short stay. I find myself having a hard time dealing with him arriving early and am hoping you are able to relate! I am angry that I'm not pregnant anymore and that he did not get to come home with us when we left the hospital, but know that I am fortunate that he is doing well and making progress. It's a really conflicting position to be in. And while I want him home with us I am TERRIFIED of bringing him home, and terrified that something will happen to him. We have monitor training tomorrow because he will need to be on a monitor for four weeks when we bring him home. I'm hoping that will give me some peace of mind. So, any suggestions for dealing with the conflicting feelings? The anger/disappointment/nervousness? I really appreciate your support and look forward to getting to know this board better
Re: New kid on the block
Write down your feelings or talk them out with a safe person like your hubby or social worker or connect with other NICU parents. It helps to not feel so alone in this. Your feelings are valid and real and don't be ashamed of them. You didn't get to have a typical experience but he is doing very well and is making progress every day and soon he will go home and this time will be behind you. Take it a day at a time and soon you will be able to look back and see how far he has come even when progress seems slow. Big hugs! You are not alone.
9 angels in heaven-3 in my arms and 1 in the NICU
Mono/di twin girls: Josephine born to heaven and Evangeline born Earthside at 25w
Thank you for the support, ladies. I feel like I am being unrational by being angry but I can't help it. The entire ride home from the hospital on the night I was discharged I was sobbing.
I will try to only focus on the positives, because there are quite a few! My husband and I just completed the CPR course last night. Hopefully when we go in in the morning his bili levels will have dropped and he no longer needs his light. Taking it one day at a time. Thank you again
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
My daughter also came home on an apnea monitor, and it actually helped with some of my anxiety of having her home, since she was still being "watched" over at home. Good luck!