
Now I'm mad

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Re: Now I'm mad

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  • MaebbMaebb member
    I was thinking that maybe the OP was a non-native English speaker.
  • MaebbMaebb member
    Speaking of BF, my coworker sent me this pic he painted on his bedroom wall in 1977. It's really interesting, so it got me thinking about humans being nursed by animals.

    This article was interesting:–animal_breastfeeding

    Wikipedia, I know. And this line made me go, "Hmmm."

    "Human milk was thought to transmit character traits as well; in 19th century France a law was proposed to ban disreputable mothers from nursing their own children so that their immoral traits would not be transmitted via their milk."

    Weird. Ok, I used the word "interesting" twice, so clearly I am fascinated by this topic and in need of a bigger vocabulary. Or a thesaurus.
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