My husband and I are trying to iron out a discipline plan for our kids, and we keep coming up with more questions than answers. I had a good experience with being spanked as a child. It didn't 'scar' me in any way, and I feel like it really taught me to respect authority - and that my actions have concrete consequences. My parents always sent me to my room to 'think about what I had done' until they were calm and collected. They then came in, explained what I had done wrong and why it was wrong, and then gave me three licks with a belt. I never felt resentful of them or thought this meant I could hit people so solve a problem.
HOWEVER, every parenting book / article I read says that spanking leads to long term problems for children. At best, they say it gets you immediate compliance from a child, but damages trust between child and parent, and damages the child's ability to regulate their own behavior, etc., etc. I've looked up countless peer reviewed articles on the subject, and none of them have anything good to say about spanking. I am loath to ignore such a large body of research...
Which leads me to the questions: What do you do instead of spanking? Do you find it effective? Do you know children who have been raised without spanking who AREN'T spoiled and defiant? I'm particularly interested to hear from people who aren't talking about their own kids, because I'd guess that we all think our little ones are angels, right?
I am making no judgment calls here; I am sincerely searching for answers, and want to do what's best for my child.
Thanks for your help!
Re: Raising a well-behaved child without spanking?
Okay thanks for answering OP. I did not mean to be rude and come off as saying this has been beat to death. Just that it tends not to go well.
You will find what works for your child and you eventually. It's all trial and error. Some days, I still don't feel like I'm doing it right.
I was never spanked, DH was on rare occasion. I think at best, spanking is only effective when it is followed up by some other form of discipline and discussion about why the spanking was warranted (such as running out into a street and using it as an immediate way to get through to the child that what he was about to do was dangerous)
I'd say we both turned out to be relatively well-adjusted members of society and we don't hold any weird or negative feelings for our parents either way.
I was just sent to time out and that worked just fine. I was a really well-behaved child, though. Like PP said, I'm sure it depends on the kid and other parenting factors, though I'd have no clue what they'd be as I have no experience yet with my own children. All we know is from our own experiences when we were kids.
We don't spank our children, but then we haven't had to either. My oldest is only 3, and other forms of discipline have worked.
I was spanked maybe 1 or 2 times ever as a child.
My H's brother was spanked constantly, and he was still a discipline problem who wouldn't listen. He hasn't turned out too well as an adult, either.
son#1 born 6/2010
son#2 born 4/2012
son#3 born 7/2014
We have not had that many issues with hitting and biting, but we do immediate timeouts for throwing things (this isn't as much of a problem at 3.5 as it was a 2.5). He gets timeouts these days when the attitude gets out of control, mainly for screaming at me. It all comes in waves though and it's not like he spends all day every day in timeout multiple times.
I was spanked, sort of, maybe 3 times? I don't even remember really. We do not spank. When I find myself yelling too much which is just as bad as spanking, I put myself in timeout to calm down. They play off your emotions so being calm, cool, and consistent with your expectations goes a long way. And really, what you do is going to change as they age because their mental development changes so much.
Pregnancy #3 after two prior losses in 2013
that being said I have to go back and say you need to be fluid with your consequences. I wouldn't make spanking the first go to for every punishment since the message often gets lost and becomes "Iwas bad I was spanked" often they ddon't understand why they were spanked even when you discuss why afterward.
IMO, there are so many factors that go into making a person who they are -- parenting and discipline is a large part of that, but just part. I don't know that one style of discipline will be appropriate for all of my kids, but I do intend to stick with no spanking.
We don't spank our 2.5 year old, I don't personally feel it's an appropriate form of punishment, especially with our son's personality. We incorporate time outs, removal from the situation/removal of privilege/toy/whatever, redirection/distraction, and/or basic explanation of why we are doing so based on his action or behavior.
Discipline is probably one of the most difficult things to come to a consensus about in our house between my husband and I, to be honest. He grew up in a house with a mom who yelled like a lunatic (and still does IMO, but according to the rest of the family she is much tamer now, which is slightly terrifying), so he tends to resort to to yelling when he gets frustrated, which irks me. However, he is making improvements and seems to be more conscious about how he reacts to things as we go along, and is getting much better about stepping in and helping resolve issues rather than escalating them by just blindly reacting.
What matters most is your attitude towards your kid.
if you are constantly getting annoyed and frustrated at your kid (like a certain someone I know who goes by the SN MollyHooper)
Then it doesn't matter weather or not you spank.
What I have struggled with is trying to find out why my kids act out and try to either catch the situation before it happens or teach them how to deal with it.
Mom to S-07/22/10 & Q-12/14/11 L-8/23/14
Stella - 7.7.11 | Ian - 8.6.14 | Isaac- 7.20.18
#4 due 4.22.23
I was a bit more if a handful but nothing crazy. My parents just raising their voice was good enough for me. When I was older, I would get grounded for not following the rules.
I do not believe in spanking. I think bit is unnecessary and teaches the wrong thing. It teaches you to fear that person, not respect. And teaches you to not do that wrong thing with that person, not in general.
We will not spank our children. You just have to find what works with your child. Whether it's time out, not being able to play with a certain toy for x amount of time, etc. the biggest thing that works is reinforcing the good behavior instead if only focusing on bad behavior. Right now, since my daughter is only 2, we just use distraction for the most part and reinforce the good behavior.
We use natural consequences and don't give in when she has a want or desire that we don't agree with.
If she is whining we ignore her whines
If she isn't listening then she gets a time out of what she is doing
If she runs away from us she has to sit in the stroller
I think I was spanked as a child, but it was so rare and only happened a few times I can't really remember. My mom used to have this look that scared the crap out of me. However, in public if I did act up she would pinch the skin under my arm, I guess to not make a scene. Although, I think I would have rather been spanked, because that crap hurt. My mom mostly stuck to grounding and taking things away from me, but to this day she will tell you I was hardly ever a "bad" kid. I know I had my times though.
H was spanked as a child, with a switch or with a belt. If it was a switch he had to go pick it out and if it wasn't good enough he had to go back until it was. He and I grew up in very different homes. Not saying that has anything to do with discipline, it's really hard to explain without typing a huge book. If H wasn't spanked, he was grounded or had other forms of discipline. I know one form was his parents made him pick up rocks out of the yard and put them back in the driveway, seems like a lot of his discipline was labor type work if he wasn't spanked.
We haven't really discussed discipline yet. I feel like if anything like PPs have mentioned maybe a small smack on the hand and just trying to talk to them. As they get older I feel like we will probably take things away, give time outs and grounding. I live in the south so spanking is actually a really big form of discipline here and I see a lot of people do it. I just really don't think I would be comfortable doing it.
BFP#1 10/11/11 - DD born 6/6/12;
BFP#2 7/6/13 - Due 3/8/13, MMC at 12w D&C on 8/31/13;