Hello. I BF but have recently started supplementing for my own sanity. So far I have only used the ready made formula. I am out of that and have powder. What water do I mix with it? Is water from my brita filter ok?
I use water from my brita filter. My pediatrician told me at my last check up that we needed to start using tap water so he gets the fluoride, I don't like our tap water so I use the brita filter and she said that is fine.
As long as your child does not have any health concerns, water that you can drink is safe for making formula. I use tap water. DC uses filtered or bottled water. It does NOT have to be boiled.
Oh thank you I gave her some filtered water and then saw that at midnight last night about it being boiled and got a little panicky haha. Thanks ladies
Can't figure out the signature thing, so here's the short, short version.....first daughter born on November 10, 2013. She was conceived through the magic of IVF after 2+ years of TTC.
Tap water, bottled water, brita water, we use it all! Boiling water is not necessary. However, just be aware if you use tap what's in it. Just where we live our tap water has a lot of iron in it so it made our son constipated.
On the go recommendation: Pre-fill bottles with water (boiled, filtered, what have you) and use a formula dispenser. Shake and serve! You could also bring bottled water and just pour what you need.
I got my formula dispenser on amazon for like $3. Love it.
3 years "trying" on our own 4 Rounds of Clomid; 1 miscarriage; 1 D&C; 2 more rounds of Clomid & many tears... Baby Girl due 3/7/14, born 2/23/14 - 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and amazing
We buy gallons of Nursery Water at the grocery store. It's about $1 per gallon. It's purified, distilled water without fluoride added.
On the go it depends on how long we are going to be gone, but there is normally a gallon stored in the wifes van. We keep a couple of regular water bottles (some plastic, some stainless...think hiking or bicycle style bottles) that we fill up in the morning.
We have used regular bottled water before and our pedi said that was no problem.
We have really crappy tap water here so we don't use it, but would if it came down to a hungry baby and that's all we had.
@elmoali That is what I was told by my pedi because I asked her. I have a Brita pitcher and wanted to use that water and she said it still needed to be boiled. So I just buy the gallons of baby water for $1.
ETA- I went onto Britas website and this was in the faq... " Is filtered water good for babies? Can I use BRITA Water for preparing my baby's formula and bottles? Yes. Babies also benefit from the advantages of filtered water, for example the reduction in heavy metals such as lead and copper. Nevertheless, it cannot be emphasised enough that drinking water must be boiled for the preparation of baby food. This also applies to filtered water. "
@elmoali Not arguing at all, just answered a question based off of what my pedi told me. After reading all the responses I was like damn I'm just going to use my Brita water then, and then I went on Britas website and it still says to boil. I get it though but it's just as easy for me to buy a gallon.
Brita is covering their ass. If someone has a well thats contaminated and then they think by putting it through the Brita it'll be ok for baby to drink, then baby gets sick, Brita could be on the hook for a bunch of money. In general, if water is considered safe for you to drink, its safe for baby to drink.
On the go recommendation:
Pre-fill bottles with water (boiled, filtered, what have you) and use a formula dispenser. Shake and serve! You could also bring bottled water and just pour what you need.
I got my formula dispenser on amazon for like $3. Love it.
lol, my son is almost 3 months old and I just figured this out! I was hauling around a tub the whole time! My friend was like "oh no, they have these dispensers, you know?!"
Ha. We have a makeshift formula dispenser (read: Tupperware container) but I'm about ready to go to the custom one so I don't have to worry about any more spilling while on the go. I sadly carried around a tub as well for a few weeks until I decided it was madness.
Re: Formula powder?
Pre-fill bottles with water (boiled, filtered, what have you) and use a formula dispenser. Shake and serve! You could also bring bottled water and just pour what you need.
I got my formula dispenser on amazon for like $3. Love it.
Baby Amelia Ruth:
3 years "trying" on our own
4 Rounds of Clomid; 1 miscarriage; 1 D&C; 2 more rounds of Clomid & many tears...
Baby Girl due 3/7/14, born 2/23/14 - 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and amazing
On the go it depends on how long we are going to be gone, but there is normally a gallon stored in the wifes van. We keep a couple of regular water bottles (some plastic, some stainless...think hiking or bicycle style bottles) that we fill up in the morning.
We have used regular bottled water before and our pedi said that was no problem.
We have really crappy tap water here so we don't use it, but would if it came down to a hungry baby and that's all we had.
ETA- I went onto Britas website and this was in the faq...
" Is filtered water good for babies? Can I use BRITA Water for preparing my baby's formula and bottles?
Yes. Babies also benefit from the advantages of filtered water, for example the reduction in heavy metals such as lead and copper. Nevertheless, it cannot be emphasised enough that drinking water must be boiled for the preparation of baby food. This also applies to filtered water. "