August 2014 Moms

When to be concerned...

I've been experiencing some stomach pains, nothing terrible but two days ago I had pain when I touched one spot on my stomach and thought maybe it was stretching? I'm also curious if pains come along with stress... What do you all think? My back has been absolutely terrible along with swollen feet at the end of a work day already. I'm working two jobs, sometimes both in a day (10+ hours of work in a day) do you all suggest slowing down and quitting one?

Re: When to be concerned...

  • I worked three jobs while pregnant with my first until I was about 8 months along. I would occasionally have 12 hour days. It can be done, but I did swell up pretty well in the last month, quit one job at 34 weeks and kept going on the easier office job until 38 weeks. I think my swelling was due to not being careful about what I ate, high blood pressure, and just plain hot weather. I drank a crap ton of water but no amount of water could make up for how much take out I was eating. 

    So anyway, the pain is probably stretching. Drink more water. Make sure you get up and walk around if you have a sitting job, or take breaks to sit if you have a standing job. Definitely call and talk to a nurse to get advice too. 
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  • I worked several weeks of 80+ hours for a company while expecting DD. I had a suit-down job, but after 16 hours in relatively the same position, my entire body hurt. My feet looked like water balloons.

    But I definitely agree with giving your Dr a call if you are worried.
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  • It sounds like your body is speaking to you. You should listen to it. Call your doctor like PP's have said, that's always good advice. If it were me, I'd try and quit atleast one job. Can you not get preventative leave on either job?

    Either way, good luck and take care of yourself x
    First BFP: 12/16/13
    EDD: 08/23/14
    Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
  • con07scon07s member
    Thanks for all the great advice!!! I think it too many hours on my feet, lack of sleep and poor dieting because I'm always on the run. I see my doc next week for my 24 week and I will probably be quitting one of the jobs.
    My main job is pretty demanding since I'm managing the place. I feel like stress is taking over me :( thanks again everyone :)
  • con07s said:
    Thanks for all the great advice!!! I think it too many hours on my feet, lack of sleep and poor dieting because I'm always on the run. I see my doc next week for my 24 week and I will probably be quitting one of the jobs. My main job is pretty demanding since I'm managing the place. I feel like stress is taking over me :( thanks again everyone :)

    You sound like you just need a break. Do you have any vacation time you can afford to take? I think you just need a break from being on your feet and work in general!

    I'd love to see you take a day or two off, go get a massage and pedicure. Just imagine how much better you'd feel :)

    I sit on my butt 8 hours a day and would give anything to have a job where I'm on my feet so my butt can stop growing from sitting in a chair all day. But I certainly don't envy your schedule :(

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