Verizon FIOS sucks big ball sacks.
I had my services cut off while I was in FL, well on temporary suspension. They were supposed to be turned back on on the 26th when I got back. I got like 2-3 emails about this and 2-3 letters in the mail, all with the same date. Anyway, long story short, they weren't back on, spent over an hour on the phone three times, and basically was told nobody could help me because they had all left and I'd have to wait for Monday. Being an online student, that is not acceptable. So I called today to see if they could compensate me in some way for their idiocy, DVR for 3 months, HBO for 3 months SOMETHING. Nope. They offered me half off those things. WOW. WHAT A DEAL. So, I cancelled. Fuck them. Now I'm looking at upping my cell phone plan to include more or unlimited internet and using as a mobile hotspot or getting another service. Anyone have experience with using their phone as a hotspot? I have a GS3 and AT&T. I tried setting it up on my phone but can't get it to work. I am going to go to the AT&T store when the weather gets better I guess.
Anyway, WTF happened to customer service now a days? Nobody gives a shit!
Oh and I called my bank to ask if I could skip a payment for May bc I have no money. I've not missed or been late on a payment in well over 17 months (nor asked to skip one) and because I have no income (student loans im living off of don't count) they won't allow me to skip it. WTF. So...they'd rather me just not pay them and repo the car then me pay them at the end of my loan? So stupid.
ps. got it figured out for the cell phone wifi hot spot thing. Costs me an extra $20 a month vs like $100+ for my FIOS crap. I can do without TV and home phone and have been looking for a way to save some money on the cable thing. I hope 5GB is enough for me to submit my assignments and stuff. I did a calculator thing online and it seems to be.
PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
Re: I hate you Verizon! Tuesday Bitching...
Throwing leaves
Long story short, it would be more than a month before they started repo paperwork
Throwing leaves
@jellybean529 good luck. I would have a record of every payment nearby just in case.
Throwing leaves