My baby is 14-weeks and is starting to sleep longer stretches at night. We're first-timers and letting her guide her sleep/eating schedule has worked for us. I just want to check in with other parents to make sure her schedule sounds about right. (My doc is low key and just says, as long as she's happy and alert while she's awake, which she is, then she's fine.)
Baby begins to show signs of sleepiness around 7/8 PM and falls asleep sometime around 9/10 PM. She will sleep until anywhere from 2 - 5 AM, she wakes to eat once (occas. twice), and then falls back asleep until about 6/7 AM. Sometimes 8AM, depending on the timing of everything. She takes a good morning nap a few hours later. Then she is awake for most of the afternoon. It is very hard to get a good nap in the afternoon, she only seems to want cat naps, though I try my best.
Basically, I'm asking because I've head that babies are "supposed" to sleep from 7PM to 7AM, or something like that. Is that actually true? Or does her current schedule seem normal for her age?
Re: Does this sleep pattern sound about right?
My DS is almost 6 months and he sleeps 8-6 most nights. Naps are anyone's guess. Sometimes he naps great, other days it's a full-time job just trying to get him down for one.
We've started trying to move his bed time back closer to 7. We're working on starting the evening routine a few minutes earlier each night until we get to that.
Also, if she's tired and you're able to get her to bed at 7 she may still wake-up once or twice to eat before she is up for the day.