Hi, I'm Annie, my husband, Wade, and I are adopting! We currently have one son (biological) who just turned three.
We've both always wanted to adopt, and we finally are doing so and we can't wait to hold our new child in our arms. We are adopting from Uganda, Africa. It's a hard, long process but we know it will be worth it in the end.
We currently live in the mountains of western USA. I am a "domestic engineer" (a housewife, lol) earning an online degree in TESOL to go along with my bachelor of Business Admin and my husband is in the medical field.
I've enjoyed lurking on here and seeing your different stories, adoption is such an exciting thing!
Can't wait to jump into the community!
PS I didn't know for sure what I should put in my intro, so feel free to ask anything should you want to know...
Re: An introduction
Mother of two wonderful boys! Blessed through adoption.
I hope you find the site helpful and encouraging! My daughter's studying TESOL and also wants to adopt some day, so your intro made me smile
Bless you and your husband for pursuing adoption ~ I wish there were many more couples like you out there ~ you ROCK! Hugs to you both!