My mom is co-hosting a shower for my cousin, and she asked me for game ideas. I told her no problem, but that I refused to help plan "figure out the chocolate bar smushed in the diaper" or "guess the baby food." Because those are disgusting. I have a couple of ideas, but can anyone else chip in?
Nothing can be mother-to-be themed, because the baby girl was born a few months ago (very premature, I think she was around 3 lbs).
Re: Tasteful games suggestions
son#1 born 6/2010
son#2 born 4/2012
son#3 born 7/2014
I second gift bingo.
Another one I like to do is a "guess how many" game.
Get a clear container and buy a bunch of small individually wrapped edibles(candies, mints etc) and put them in the clear container. Have the guests fill out slips of paper guessing "how many" are in the container. I do two winners with this game - person that has the closest guess and person that has the furthest away guess. I like doing two winners because it changes the game up a bit and makes it slightly more interesting.
Winner gets the container, the candy and another smallish prize.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
I remember when I was younger, going to a baby shower and one game was that everyone got a pink clothes pin and thru ought the day, if anyone was caught with their legs, arms, feet, etc crossed..the person who saw them could steal their pin and whoever had the most at the end of the party got a prize.
Another one was that after about a half hour or so, while everyone was eating and talking, the MTB left the room nonchalantly and the mother of the MTB asked everyone questions about what she was wearing, what color socks, straight or curly hair, etc. & of course whoever got the most answers right got a gift.
This may or may not help depending on the theme of baby shower you're planning but went to one recently where MTB worked at the zoo. There were two different games. First up was a bunch of pictures of baby animals. Prize awarded to the guest who could name the most. Second was a list of animals to be matched with their average gestation. Prize for the most correct matches. No one got a perfect score but it was fun to guess and definitely not the same old stuff.