I started out really good, had a plan, pumped the opposite breast every time my little guy was nursing, I had a stash I was very proud of... but slowly and surely my stash has started to shrink. I've made it 4 months with BF exclusively and I know that's a big accomplishment. I really wanted to go 1 year.
I'm not producing enough milk now and I feel like I'm letting my little guy down... like I've failed

I feel like I've tried everything natural that I can think about- gatorade, fenugreek, more milk, more milk plus, lots and lots of water- and not sure how I feel about prescription drugs to help?! I'm stressing about it and I know that stressing about it isn't helping. I know formula isn't all that bad and that nursing/BM for this long is very good, but I still can't help but feel like I failed. UUUGGG...
I'm still continuing to pump and instead of every 4-5 hours, I've gone back to 2-3 hours hoping that my body goes back to the 'ol supply and demand and I'll get more milk. We've started adding a little bit of formula to his BM because I know in time I will either run dry or I won't have enough BM on hand to feed him, so I figure slowly introducing him to formula is the best thing to do.
what have you guys tried to bring your milk supply up?
Re: Not enough breast milk :(
This! No wonder you are struggling to keep up. I doubt I could either at that amount. I send 15oz a day and DD usually doesnt finish that. Do you know if your son is actislly drinking all that daily or are they keeping extra there?
Edit- like to add my supply is also taking bit of a hit and your not alone. I do however have to supplement with formula sometimes. Ever since I went back to work and DS STTN