
Thinking about #2

So DH and I are starting to talk abou tBaby #2. I had my IUD removed and I'm just trying to find out my cycle, but plan on trying after DS turns two in June, so probably in July some time...I'm a little concerned about my C/S scar. I occasionally have discomfort/itching and when DS pushes on it it feels more sensative than when he pushes somewhere else (when we are rough housing).


Any advice from mamas who had a c/s and then had another LO is greatly aprreciated---just want to know what to expect (if anything) that might be different from the first time. I will also be having a c/s for this baby. What was the second recovery like and what was the time between your kids.



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Re: Thinking about #2

  • RoseypantsRoseypants member
    edited April 2014

    I occasionally feel a little sore on my scar, but nothing crazy. The only thing that is a little different this time around is RLP. It's much more worse than last time!

    ETA - I obviously haven't delivered this baby, but I have heard you might be a little more sore than the first time. It will be worth it in the end, so it doesn't really matter to me :)


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  • My scar doesn't hurt at all. I'm due in 12 weeks with #2, and this pregnancy has been much harder, physically. I have to take OTC pain relievers 3 times a day to control uterine cramping/contractions. If they don't improve in the next 2 weeks, he's going to prescribe a medication that will help stop the contractions altogether. And I'm being put on reduced hours at work to try to keep me off my feet.
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  • I am 10 weeks along with #2 and I also got preggers about a month after DD turned two. I haven't noticed anything scar related so far. My friend who also had a cs, while prego with #2 had some cramping that started after the 1st tri which her doc said was due to scar tissue stretching etc. for me the only difference has been awful ms which I had none with DD but that has nothing to do with the cs...
  • I have had 3 C/S. My 2nd recovery was MUCH better than my first (long labor that ended in c/s). I did not have any complications with my other 2 that were related to c/s, but every story is personal as far as that goes. 

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  • My second csection actually went alot better and I was able to move around and get out of bed with less pain. I think it was because I knew what to except.
  • I had my 2nd c-section almost a month ago and have no pain. The incision did leak and its taking longer to heal this time but that's probably because I've been lifting my 30 lbs toddler and really shouldn't be
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