Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Feeding Schedule

My 13 week old daughter still eats every 3 hours during the day.  She takes about 5 ounces of formula per feeding.  When will the feedings space out more?  She will occassionaly go 4 hours between feedings but that is very rare. 

She does sleep through the night from 10p-7a.   

Re: Feeding Schedule

  • My LO is five months and has started solids. I still feed her every three hours, she can go four no problem. But I figure she sleeps 10-12 hours, and needs at least five feeds a day, two solids of about 3 1/2oz of food and 2-4 oz of milk, then 3 feeds of milk at 7oz. Think of it this way, you are feeding you kiddo three meals a day and 2-3 snacks, it Dosent sound like as much every three hours.
  • My guy feeds about every 3hra as well depending on how long he naps for, he could go 4 but I always feed him when he wakes up. Not on solids yet but almost 5.5 months and sleeps through the night.
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  • Thank you both!  I know some of my books talk about dropping a feeding around this time, but I think I will just follow her cues. 
  • mrst9mrst9 member
    Mine is bf, with occasional bottles, but still eats very frequently.  It's hard to tell how many oz with bf, but I'd say I'm feeding her 8 - 10 times a day.  It's a little less than the 10 - 12 times I was feeding her, though.
  • Tess024Tess024 member
    edited April 2014
    Maybe increase the amount she is getting per feeding? My LO is 3 months, and is at 6oz about every 4-4.5 hours. I give a little more before bed to keep him full through the night
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  • She just went from 4-5oz a few weeks ago and 5 seems to be about all that she will eat.  When I have given her more, she spits up a lot. 
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