Cloth Diapering

Why do I do this to myself?

I was on fb and saw a post for a liquid detergent and if they could use it. I responded no because you don't want to use liquid on cloth diapers as build up can occur and cause repelling issues. Of course everyone was like well I've never had problems..... I suggested using the Pinstripes and Polka dots chart, in which is outdated and only recommends cloth diaper detergent. I'm like uh yeah it actually has quite a few of regular grocery store detergents in there as well. And I mentioned the lady who has been bleach burning her baby because of using detergents like the one that was in the picture because it wasn't taken care of the stink. I got "Well she asked if she could use it, if there is a stink issue that is another issue," And "Well I've been cloth diapering a long time so I know what I am doing and what to recommend."

I need to remember, you can't fix stupid. I gave the op the link to the chart, that is all I can do. 

Oh and I need to download a picture of poison ivy so when someone goes, but this is plant based and natural, I can just post that picture.
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Re: Why do I do this to myself?

  • I've found that no one ever wants to hear that they're doing something "wrong".  When it comes to children, for some reason everyone is an expert!  ;)
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  • Tide Original seems to be pretty popular lately. When I first started lurking here a couple of years ago, almost no one was using it. I remember people raving about Tiny Bubbles a lot, but I wanted to use something I could buy at the grocery store, and for me that was Country Save. After I moved to the UK, I found Tiny Bubbles at my local baby boutique, but then they stopped carrying it last year.

    Some people are able to use Tide successfully and so they are happy with it. For my part, I have concerns about skin sensitivities so I opt for detergents that do not have fragrance, whiteners/brighteners or enzymes.

    If you develop a problem with your detergent, you can always strip your diapers and change detergent.
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  • GopherBaby13GopherBaby13 member
    edited April 2014
    That was you? Gosh I hate people that use anecdotal evidence. Jillian's has a great chart, too.
  • I need to remember, you can't fix stupid. I gave the op the link to the chart, that is all I can do. 

    I usually picture them drooling on their keyboard and it makes me less angry at the world.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Tide Original seems to be pretty popular lately. When I first started lurking here a couple of years ago, almost no one was using it. I remember people raving about Tiny Bubbles a lot, but I wanted to use something I could buy at the grocery store, and for me that was Country Save. After I moved to the UK, I found Tiny Bubbles at my local baby boutique, but then they stopped carrying it last year.

    What detergent do you use now in the UK?  I ask because I'll be visiting my in-laws in Oxfordshire at the end of the summer and would rather not take a bunch of detergent with me.
  • Tide Original seems to be pretty popular lately. When I first started lurking here a couple of years ago, almost no one was using it. I remember people raving about Tiny Bubbles a lot, but I wanted to use something I could buy at the grocery store, and for me that was Country Save. After I moved to the UK, I found Tiny Bubbles at my local baby boutique, but then they stopped carrying it last year.

    What detergent do you use now in the UK?  I ask because I'll be visiting my in-laws in Oxfordshire at the end of the summer and would rather not take a bunch of detergent with me.
    I'm using Bambino Mio Miocare washing powder, combined with Calgon tablets since we have very hard water. I think you can get it off of Amazon's UK site, or you can go to the Bambino Mio website and see if there are any stockists near your ILs, and what they stock. Miocare has a bit of lavender scent, but I already use a drop of lavender EO in our liner bag so I'm not worried about it. It's probably safer than the unspecified fragrances that are in some of the bigger-name products, which are likely to be petroleum-derived. I don't know that for sure, but it's a risk I would rather not take.
  • Thanks for letting me vent. I got lots of play time in today with my baby despite both of us having colds. It made everything better. Plus we did cloth diaper laundry which is one of her favorites to play with.
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  • stoofewok said:
    I noticed Tide Original is in the "not a good choice for diaper laundry" category. Don't a lot of the users on the board still use this, though? I'm hoping so, because this is what I was planning on using..  :-/
    Yes, a lot of us use this, myself included. I use it because it gets the diapers clean and no one in my family has any sensitivities to it, so IMO that makes it a great choice for our diaper laundry.
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  • karenhorningkarenhorning member
    edited April 2014
    Not all liquid detergents are awful for cloth...there's a couple liquid detergents that score well(4 to 5 stars) on the Pinstripes and Polkadots list. 
    In general powders are a better idea than liquids for cloth diapers as they are less likely to leave any residue.  But as there are many liquids you would not want to use there are many powdered detergents you definitely would not want to use either.   No need to insult someone's intelligence for using a liquid detergent. 

    The makers of Softbums cloth diapers actually recommends using Purex Free & Clear (a liquid detergent).

    Purex F&C gets 4 stars on Pinstripes & Polkadots, where as Tide powder (a fairly popular choice) only rates 2 or 3.  I've been using Publix brand F&C (also 4 star on the list) for 5 months without any stink or repelling issues.

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  • A lot of the recommendations you will see on this board and probably others are just based on personal experience. There's a lot of information to sift through if you really want to educate yourself about detergent. If you get the booklet from GMD, they devote 4 pages to this subject. There's a lot of technical stuff, but the gist of it is that if your baby isn't getting rashes and your diapers aren't repelling, then your detergent is fine. GMD also says that in their experience that cotton is more forgiving than synthetics, when it comes to rinsing clean and avoiding buildup.
  • A lot of the recommendations you will see on this board and probably others are just based on personal experience. There's a lot of information to sift through if you really want to educate yourself about detergent. If you get the booklet from GMD, they devote 4 pages to this subject. There's a lot of technical stuff, but the gist of it is that if your baby isn't getting rashes and your diapers aren't repelling, then your detergent is fine. GMD also says that in their experience that cotton is more forgiving than synthetics, when it comes to rinsing clean and avoiding buildup.
    But that's not necessarily true.  Detergent issues can build up over time.  So you could use a liquid detergent just fine for 5 months, and think your detergent is fine.  Then you suddenly have rashes or stinky dipes, and continue to think your detergent is fine, because it was fine.  But it really wasn't.
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  • TJ1979 said:

    A lot of the recommendations you will see on this board and probably others are just based on personal experience. There's a lot of information to sift through if you really want to educate yourself about detergent. If you get the booklet from GMD, they devote 4 pages to this subject. There's a lot of technical stuff, but the gist of it is that if your baby isn't getting rashes and your diapers aren't repelling, then your detergent is fine. GMD also says that in their experience that cotton is more forgiving than synthetics, when it comes to rinsing clean and avoiding buildup.

    But that's not necessarily true.  Detergent issues can build up over time.  So you could use a liquid detergent just fine for 5 months, and think your detergent is fine.  Then you suddenly have rashes or stinky dipes, and continue to think your detergent is fine, because it was fine.  But it really wasn't.

    Yeah the GMD booklet talks about this too, I was just feeling lazy and not wanting to expand the conversation.

    Basically, it says to be willing to change your detergent and/or wash routine if you encounter problems.

    I wasn't going to be able to do justice to all of their info in a brief post.

  • I use Tide powder. I don't like the way the liquid smells. I used Ecos 3x concentration for a long time, but just in case, to avoid any issues I decided to switch.
  • BoyOhBoysBoyOhBoys member
    edited April 2014

    Ugh then what do I use? I use ALL free and Clear liquid. So, that is a "no no"?

    I am drooling on my computer because I am clueless. :/

  • BoyOhBoys said:

    Ugh then what do I use? I use ALL free and Clear liquid. So, that is a "no no"?

    I am drooling on my computer because I am clueless. :/

    Quick, someone call the CD Police!  :-O

    In all seriousness, if your diapers are getting clean and your LO is rash-free, and your diapers aren't repelling, keep on doing what you are doing. 

    All F&C has a reputation for developing problems (it has brighteners, unless you are using the military version, and brighteners are designed to stick to fabric), so you can change now or you can wait and see if you develop a problem. And then you will have to troubleshoot the problem. If you develop a problem, then suspect number 1 should be your detergent. But maybe you will never develop a problem. 
  • Maple, for someone who doesn't even have an outside baby yet, you always give such thorough answers. I'm partially in awe and partially afraid. Once you have experience to boot you'll be like a cd super hero swooping in to save the day. The rest of us will be useless by comparison.
  • I left the group since I figured nothing good would come of me staying in it. I'll just keep sticking my  nose in my own business. 
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  • What is everyone's view on bum genius detergent? I can get it in town...i used it to prep my dipes....just curious
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  • @lookame3639 It is what I use, and I love it. Because I have a front loader, I only need one scoop. So one package lasts me about 4 months washing one load every other day. A lot will depend on your water type. I am "hard" but rigt in the middle on the test I did. I can get it from the local store, but she has random hours. I'll order directly from cottonbabies and it is free shipping. Plus you get the free sample (I'm saving those for vacation) and sometimes the hyland samples as well.
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