Natural Birth

Postpartum care items for birth center - What to buy?

My first child was born in a hospital so I was given all the postpartum stuff, but this time I will be giving birth in a birth center. What should I buy for perineal home care? I'm having trouble finding a list online and the birth center doesn't give out anything.  Thank you! 

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Re: Postpartum care items for birth center - What to buy?

  • Peri bottle (my birth center provided this for me), sitz bath, witch hazel pads, ibuprofen, dermoplast, etc.

    Should be similar to what you needed before and similar to any hospital list. I'd ask specifically about the peri bottle and first pair of mesh panties for right after delivery. everything else I think you'd need to buy anyway.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • - Peri bottles
    - Ice Pads
    - Always Infiniti large pads
    - Witch Hazel
    - Dermaplast
    - Epi Foam
    - Colace
    - Disposable underwear
    - Tucks Pads
    - Ibuprophen
    - Sitz Bath
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  • Epsom salts, sea salt, and baking soda for baths/sitz baths.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thank you, ladies! You were all very helpful. =) 
                                                                                   4.24.12                                                                            5.7.14
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  • jenn43jenn43 member
    Shoes!  I didn't realize my feet would be so puffy.  Even my regular flip-flops didn't fit for the first three days.
  • They were giving away "push packs" at the BWF conference I went to. They looked neat, though don't know what they cost. They are pre packaged items you can buy with a lot of the essentials in it. I'd also recommend earth mama angel baby mama bottome balm.
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  • Brit83Brit83 member
    Your midwife should be able to offer some suggestions.  I ordered some ice pack pads for the first couple of days, sitz bath herbs/witch hazel, peri bottle from an online birth supply store and pads from the drug store.  That's all we really needed for our first baby.  If you need more, have your partner run to a natural grocery store or drug store for additional items, but definitely not worth buying more than you need.
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