Babies: 3 - 6 Months

4mo at beach

We will be taking our then 4mo on a fam vaycay in June to the beach. I already know to limit sun exposure as much as possible. We plan on only taking him to the beach in later afternoon. And we have a "sun tent". But what about sunscreen?? I know 6 mos is the general rule.... Even if it is a baby safe one? (Neutrogena baby). Any other tips or advice??? TIA

Re: 4mo at beach

  • We live on the beach & I've been taking LO daily since about 8 weeks (she's 15 weeks now). We use SPF 70 for babies, sunglasses & a sun hat. She's gotten a tiny tan but no burn. I just make sure to wash her off right when we get home. She's never out there for more than 3 hours at a time. She also naps better than ever out there! It's the warm breezy salt air & waves crashing :)
  • We also live at the beach, so DD has been going for quite some time now. We just keep her out of the sun the entire time by using a tent or an umbrella. I lay her on her back on a quilt and she loves all the sounds, usually is lulled to sleep by it. Be sure to keep your DS off of sand too bc you how at this age they always have their hands in their mouths. Have fun on your trip!


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  • At 4 mo old I would go ahead and use the baby sunscreen if your gonna be out in the sun. Its better than them getting a sunburn.  I plan to go to dollywood in  the next couple weeks,  DS is almost 4 mo and I will be putting sunscreen on him.   I mean obviously as close to 6 months as possible is good but I dont think there is any magic thing that happens when they turn 6 months that would make sunscreen that much different than at 4 months.  thats just my opinion thoug.  have fun momma
  • Read the ingredients on the bottles.  Neutrogena Baby is Zinc Oxide which is a block not a screen & also the ingredient in most diaper creams.  Have you talked you your pedi?  Mine said OK to use at our 4 month visit.
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