Help settle a debate, this name would set a kid up for a life time of torment, right?
I love Beau and our 4 year old had taken to calling baby Beau Vincent (no clue where that came from) but dh refuses to name a child beau based on it meaning beautiful but likes Bo. I like that out means "to live" but it seems so redneck/nicknamish/sorry for body odor to me.
Also,I hate that we have 4 weeks left and can't agree on anything!
"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07
IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN
IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11
IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
Re: Bo
I love Beau! It's on my long list.
I prefer the Beau spelling but went to school with a Bo and I don't remember him having problems.
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
I would probably keep holding out in your case...maybe you can convince him after the birth.
In my case, if DH agreed to Beau I would settle for the spelling Bo
The name itself is NMS, but I like it in general. I do not like Bo.
Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!
Justin + Laura 10.18.08
TTC #1 09.10/Dx PCOS 12.10/BFP #1 12.29.10/EDD 9.10.11/Missed m/c 2.3.11/D&C 2.15.11
“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”-Kahlil Gibran
Cycle #1 4.2.11 + Clomid = BFN/Cycle #2 5.9.11 + Clomid + Trigger Shot = TWINS!
Walter Allen and Eleanor Joan 1.15.12
Another baby on the way! 8.25.14
And Bo is kind of the opposite. Yes, it's kind of country or redneck. But... Only when it's a standalone name. To me, it's perfectly fine and non torment worthy if it's just a nickname. Could you use Bodhi or Boden as full first name with Bo as nn? I personally love both of those names!
If you are describing an object that is masculine "Le château est beau", you would be saying "the castle is beautiful." However, if you are describing an actual human being that is a boy by saying "Le garçon est beau" then you would be saying he is handsome. Therefore, tell DH to chill because if you name your son Beau, it means "handsome."
I prefer Beau. I know someone who recently named a little boy Boaz and he goes by Bo. I thought it was cute and appropriate since they are very religious and Boaz is biblical.
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
Pregnancy #3 after two prior losses in 2013