Baby Names

Opinion on name order please?

dinokittydinokitty member
edited April 2014 in Baby Names
DH and I are torn on the order of names - we're sticking with the tradition of naming a boy (if it is a boy) after departed family members, so we're down to:
-Jacob Henry (flows better, love the nn Jack, but Jacob is soooo common even if it was my grandfather's name)
-Henry Jacob (classic, slightly less common, but no easy nn we love)

Our last name starts with a vowel, so that has made this pretty hard!

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Re: Opinion on name order please?

  • My DS is Jacob Arlo (both family names), we call him Jake. I like both of your names a lot, but because of your vowely surname I'm leaning towards Henry Jacob.
  • I prefer Henry Jacob. 


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  • I think they're both great options but for some reason I think Henry Jacob flows better. With regard to the lack of nn for Henry, I knew a Henry that used to go by the nn Hank.
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  • I think they're both great options but for some reason I think Henry Jacob flows better. With regard to the lack of nn for Henry, I knew a Henry that used to go by the nn Hank.
    Exactly - Hank (or Hal) are problematic nns for us.  DH and I both dislike them!

    It's funny - the concensus here is the opposite of all the grandparents-to-be.

    Peanut due 2/1/14!

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  • Thanks.  :)

    We're trying to decide early to avoid delivery room arguments (stupid family lore)... I thought I'd float them here since I KNOW you'll all be honest.

    Peanut due 2/1/14!

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  • I prefer Henry Jacob. Henry no nn works fine. Harry is another nn option, but for all you know you'll be calling him pumpkin or monster most of the time :)
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  • I prefer Jacob Henry.

    I didn't realize that Jack was a nickname for Jacob? Jake would be intuitive, Jack is a stretch. If you want Jack, I would do John Henry (I actually love that).

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  • I like them both, I don't think you could go wrong either way. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't really see how you get Jack as a nn for Jacob. Jake, yes, Jack, no. What's wrong with calling your son Henry if that's what you name him? Why do you have to have a nn? H and I picked a name we loved for E. There is no obvious nickname for his name, so we call him by his name.

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  • My grandfather's name was Jacob, but he was called Jack- prob should have explained.  I think it's more old fashioned, but according to my research it's a standard nn for Jacob.  DH wanted to make sure we weren't doing anything "weird" with a nn.  (John is SO out of the question for personal/religious reasons.)

    As for nns for Henry, I'm just concerned that it's instinct for people to give nns or call people by diminuitives.  I doubt we'd have control if we didn't use a nn in everyday life (MIL tried with DH and it didn't work), and I just want to avoid Hal or Hank.

    Peanut due 2/1/14!

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  • Love Jacob Henry
  • Henry Jacob. That isn't based on flow, it is based on my preference. I wouldn't worry about flow since you are honoring specific people. I don't think Henry needs a NN at all.
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  • dinokitty said:

    As for nns for Henry, I'm just concerned that it's instinct for people to give nns or call people by diminuitives.  I doubt we'd have control if we didn't use a nn in everyday life (MIL tried with DH and it didn't work), and I just want to avoid Hal or Hank.
    I think you can execute some control over this when he is young. When he is older it will ultimately be up to him. But Henry is only 2 syllables, it doesn't 'need' to be shorter. 

    DS2 is Francis. Only 2 syllables and we don't really use a NN for him, so nobody else does either. We tried Frankie for awhile, but he adamantly insists that he is Francis, NOT Frankie.
    Married 9-4-04

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  • I prefer Henry Jacob. 
    OMG, your kid is cute!
    Married 9-4-04

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  • Well, I'm a sucker for Henry, so that gets my vote.
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    Considering . . . Agatha, Beatrix, Clara, Daphne, Isadora, Josephine, Matilda, Philippa, Tabitha, Winifred . . .
  • Henry Jacob, no question.
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  • queenbone said:
    dinokitty said:

    As for nns for Henry, I'm just concerned that it's instinct for people to give nns or call people by diminuitives.  I doubt we'd have control if we didn't use a nn in everyday life (MIL tried with DH and it didn't work), and I just want to avoid Hal or Hank.
    I think you can execute some control over this when he is young. When he is older it will ultimately be up to him. But Henry is only 2 syllables, it doesn't 'need' to be shorter. 

    DS2 is Francis. Only 2 syllables and we don't really use a NN for him, so nobody else does either. We tried Frankie for awhile, but he adamantly insists that he is Francis, NOT Frankie.
    Don't I know it!  I hate my first name, so the second I could, I switched to my mn.  :)

    Peanut due 2/1/14!

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  • I like Henry Jacob. All Henry's I know go by Henry (no nn). Great name!

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  • I prefer the flow of Henry Jacob but I'm a little over Henry. There is always a Henry at our park.

    I like Jacob better, but I'm not a fan of the nn Jack for Jacob. I think it could cause confusion. When you wrote it I thought maybe Jack was a typo and you meant Jake.

    So, I vote Henry Jacob with no nn.

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  • I love Henry Jacob


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