I run names by 2 close friends but we don't say a word to family. My mom had a ton of opinions when I was pregnant the first time and I couldn't handle hearing them. Now that this is our 3rd she is acting slighted as if I am hiding something from her. I also don't like hearing opinions but for hearing them on here. Maybe I have thinner skin than I thought.
Re: How many of you keep your names a secret from family and friends?
We didn't but I wish we would have. Our friends are being awesome about keeping their opinions to themselves, but my MIL takes every opportunity she can to tell us how much she hates our names and then tries to shove names that haven't been popular since my husband was born down our throats.
I'm not sure why mothers think they have a say in the name. Last time I checked, they named their kids. This baby is ours - not theirs. It's almost like when mothers try to relive their wedding day through their daughters' wedding day...you had your damn day already- get over it!
Sorry - I'm pretty ranty about this right now, I guess.
The second time, our parents and siblings knew, but no one else. We kept it secret because we wanted something to announce when she was born.
With DS's name, we didn't start off keeping it a secret. But when my mom asked about names and we mentioned some we were thinking of, she found something wrong with every single one. She's a teacher, so a lot were "that kid was a brat", "that kid came from a scummy family", etc. Or that there was a children's book with that character (apparently Penelope is a pig's name to her). Then she even said SHE would pick the name! Uh, no! So DH & I quickly decided there was no more sharing and the name would be a secret until baby was born.
D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013
We don't reveal final decisions as we've never really known ahead of time.
I also try to avoid discussing the serious contenders with family. I know our taste is different then their's so I don't expect them to like them. It's just easier to discuss names we have considered and won't be using than listen to opinions on other pregnancy topics.
We knew we picked good names, and didn't really care what others said.
I think there is a difference between saying "We're naming baby THIS" (what we did), and "we're thinking about these names, not sure". When you aren't sure, you open yourself up,more so, to their opinions.
I'm very quiet and don't share when we are still deciding because I don't want opinions to sway us.
Once DH and I have the name down we announce. Both our families are pretty polite and respectful.
With DD#2 DH let it slip that we were considering Isla and MIL said something rude, but it didn't sway DH from our final choice. After announcing her name, FIL asked if he could make a suggestion and we just said no. MIL wanted us to add a name to DD#2's name but that's a different story...
I plan to do the same with the third. No reason to keep baby's name a secret I can handle the drama
We don't discuss names with family or friends. When people ask we just say (truthfully) that we're still not sure and once we know we'll still tell people we're keeping it a surprise.
I want DH and I to make our decision independently from "I like this name way better than that name" or "I knew a so-and-so and hated him" or "don't use that name because someone else might want to use it someday" which are all comments we're likely to get if we share.
We keep it a secret. I would tell my family if I knew they wouldn't share with the world, but they totally will. And I heard enough of their opinions even after DD was born, why start that earlier than needed?
Georgia 3/15/2012 Matilda 6/12/2014 TWINS!! Babies 3&4 EDD 11/22/2016
Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
My MIL was all over awful suggestions that harken to the 80's with our second kid. Which is kind of ironic, considering we named her Amanda.
But Lacey? Really? All I could picture was the cover to the Babysitter's Club books.
Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!
1. We had so much trouble picking a girl name we both loved. When we finally found one, we were really worried that someone would make a comment that would put a negative spin on the name in one of our heads.
2. We knew we had the prerogative to change our minds no matter what, but it's a lot easier to do when family members haven't made you beautiful handmade items with the baby's name on them. We actually sort of did that... going in to the hospital we were leaning toward Genevieve Teresa, but I went with Genevieve Maren instead. We were glad we didn't have anything personalized or monogrammed!
My mother keeps saying" if I knew a name for this baby I'd have a better connection" lol. ..it's our 3rd and last baby so she'll have to connect once he's born!
DSS: 15 DS: 7
DD born 1/3/15