Baby Names

Did Frozen ruin the name Elsa?

I have liked the name Elsa since pre-Frozen.  Is it unusable now?

What are your thoughts?

C+C born June 2011

Surprise! H born Novemeber 2012

Baby #4 due September 2014

Re: Did Frozen ruin the name Elsa?

  • Jags8Jags8 member
    Nope go for it.
  • Nah, I'm sure it will be very well-known in our children's generation but it's a real name, not like Cinderella. I don't think it's ruined.

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  • I don't think so, and would have no problem using it myself if it weren't so matchy with my daughter's name.
    Mary Jane {12} Kaden {10} Eliza {4} Due Sept. '14

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    Considering . . . Agatha, Beatrix, Clara, Daphne, Isadora, Josephine, Matilda, Philippa, Tabitha, Winifred . . .
  • I think it's going to become more popular, but I don't think it's ruined. Go for it if you like it!
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • I don't think it's ruined at all.  I really like it. 
  • Nope, not ruined. Great name.
  • I think it's going to become more popular, but I don't think it's ruined. Go for it if you like it!
    My thoughts exactly.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • LOL I posed this exact question here a couple weeks ago. Everyone answered with a "no"  on my thread. It is still in my top 3.
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    Xander, Hayden & Lily 5 1/2 and Jericho 3 My Blog!
  • Not ruined. But will prob become a new popular El- name, since that's already a current trend.
    baby boy: 3.19.2014
  • rockopera said:

    Not ruined. But will prob become a new popular El- name, since that's already a current trend.

    This. I'd be more worried about it feeling time stamped 2010s in the sea of Ellies, Ellas and other El- names than I would worry about Frozen
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  • I wanted Eliza and then later Elsa with DD#2. We decided on the similar Isla instead. I think with Elsa we would be having less pronunciation issues because of the movie.

    Although, I agree with PPs that it will probably be the new Ella and pretty time stamped due to the movie.  

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  • I think if Elsa was on your name radar before frozen came out use it. If it wasn't one of your go to names until it came out than don't.

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  • It'll be fine as long as you don't mind the "Oh, like from Frozen?" comments...I decided it would drive me crazy so we picked something else.
  • RedCardinalRedCardinal member
    edited April 2014
    I don't think Elsa will ever be 'time stamped.'

    Sleeping Beauty didn't ruin the name Aurora.

    Shrek didn't ruin the name Fiona.

    Sure, people may think of these movies when they hear the name but so what? They were names long before these movies. (I've heard @mjreilly2 say this many times).

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • I wondered about this. We have friends who named their daughter Elsa 2 years before Frozen came out, and now I'm wondering what they think about the potential popularity boost. It's a great name, though, so I say go for it.
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  • Thanks for all of the input.  I think I love it enough to put in on the list.

    We already have a Hannah (as well as two others). Does that make Elsa too cheesy?

    C+C born June 2011

    Surprise! H born Novemeber 2012

    Baby #4 due September 2014

  • There is a girl in my daughter's class named Ariel. And even she will say "Just like the princess." But she was clearly born waaaay after the Little Mermaid came out. So what I am trying to say is that even if they don't say it, anyone who has ever seen Frozen will associate the name with the movie for years to come. If you are ok with this, then yes, keep it on your list. If not, I would find another name. 
  • My DD is named Belle, and we get the "like Beauty and the Beast" comment. It doesn't bother me, but I'm sure you'll get the same with Frozen.

  • Not at all. It's possible it raises in popularity.. if that part bothers you, then I'd refrain. I don't mind popularity and think it's a gorgeous name.
    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
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