December 2014 Moms

***UPDATE*** Unexpected call from OB


Re: ***UPDATE*** Unexpected call from OB

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    Very insensitive definitely find a new ob. Low progesterone just indicates you need a supplement since you've got it early that it should resolve any issues with that.

    MMC @ 13 weeks- 12/8/08
    DD2- 3
    DD3- 1
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    That is absolutely horrible. As a healthcare professional myself I get very angry when others forget that even though they have dealt with this a lot the person who's life it may be effecting has not. I would say find an office that makes you comfortable, this is supposed to be an enjoyable and happy experience, and They dont sound very professional, just my opinion. I hope everything works out for you:) :x
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    @Mrw218‌ she didn't tell me how low over the phone...I'm going in tomorrow to talk to the owner of the practice that I originally met with. I actually liked her when I met her, so I want to tell her how I felt about how I was treated and see how she reacts. I also plan on finding out my number from her then. Thanks for the feedback on typical numbers! It helps to at least understand what is considered low and what is normal. I'll let you know when I find out tomorrow what mine is.

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I had low progesterone at my first trimester. They said it was because the lining of the womb wasn't thick enough to hold. So They gave me this pill that I had to take vaginally (sorry tmi) for 1-2 weeks and the progesterone went back up n now my son is 4.

    You should be fine!
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    I've had two losses due to low progesterone and it was before we found out that was what I had, but with supplements you can go on to have a healthy pregnancy. The only reason you could miscarry is if A.) You don't get supplements for the low progesterone as this is vital in sustaining a pregnancy or B.) The baby has some kind of chromosomal abnormalities that is not compatible with life or if ur body rejects the pregnancy. Your OB shouldn't have said that to u as that is not the case if u get treatment. It does make your pregnancy be considered high risk until that he 2 trimester but that is all. I would be looking for a new OB
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