Trouble TTC

Anyone taking DHEA?

I have a few questions for anyone taking DHEA (if you don't mind): 1. Did your Re recommend it or did you research it yourself and start taking it? 2. How long have you been taking it? 3. How much are you taking daily? 4. Have you had any side effects (good and bad)? 5. Why are you taking this supplement? Thanks so much.

Me: 37 | DH: 41
TTC Since 2011 DX: Unexplained 
IUI's #1 - 3 = BFN
IVF August 2014: FSH 4.1, PRL 15.3, TSH 2.1, W/ AFC 8.
 08/03 ER 5R, 4M, 3F. 08/08 5DT of 1-3AA0, 2 frozen :) bfp @9dp5dt. Beta on 08/20 = 414.
So excited to have one little bean on the way!!

Re: Anyone taking DHEA?

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    My RE recommended DHEA (75 mg and the kind I bought at GNC were 25 mg so I took 3/day) before we found out I had elevated testosterone and androgen levels. It is supposed to help with egg quality, but can have reverse effects if you have PCOS or are insulin resistant. 

    Side effects were terrible unfortunately. Horrible skin breakouts and made my hair super oily! 

    I just finished a book by Rebecca Fett called "It starts with the egg" and she explained in the book how DHEA can help tremendously with a DOR DX or for someone with low AMH levels. Do you know your levels?

    Me: 31 DH: 31
    TTC#1 since Sept. 2011
    March 2012-June 2012 - IUI's- BFN

    Sept 2012= IVF #1- 14 eggs, 9 fert, no frosties. 2 blasts 5dt=BFN
    Oct/Nov 2012= IVF #2- 20 eggs, 14 fert, no frosties. 2 blasts transferred despite mild OHSS=BFN
    Nov 2012= hubby got transferred, moving to new state, time for a break until summer!
    Feb 2013= Natural BFP!! Valentine's day surprise! 
    Mar 2013= m/c @ 7.5 weeks :(

    *New RE*
    July 2013= ER for a freeze all cycle. 21 eggs, 9 fert, freeze all day 1.
    Lab is closed in August! (Of course!) 
    Sept 2013= FET #1 - transferred 3 not so great quality day 3 embies=BFN
    Oct 2013= FET #2- transferred 4! 3 good, 1 poor= BFP! On hubby's birthday :)
    Started bleeding at 5w5d. ER trip confirms one gest sac, one yolk sac, no fetal pole. 6w u/s showed nothing. Levels drop from 4,500 to 250. 
    Nov.2013=meet with RE to discuss where to go from here.
           *Tests showed PCOS-ish. High testosterone. Start Metformin 1500 mg.
    February 2014- CLomid, IUI, Trigger. 4 juicy and ripe follies (24,25, 28 and 34!) 111 million post wash sperm count. BFFN!!!! WTH?
    March 2014- Over my RE. Year of fun for us and looking into RMANJ.
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    I'm not taking it. I asked my RE because I'm 39 and I'll eat dirt if it will give me a chance for a better egg. He told me not to take it because it will mess things up since my levels are fine. I just want to put it out there, if you don't need it, then it can do more harm than good.
    Fucking bump!!!!
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    I just finished reading the same book! I felt a LOT of it pertained to ladies with PCOS which I haven't been diagnosed with, but that is where I read about DHEA helping egg quantity and quality too...I am 37 and Re basically told me today that yes, I do have DOR. If this iui doesn't work out (chances are super slim) we will likely move on to IVF in July and I wondered if the DHEA could help since I have a few months. For the record, my Re only recommends COQ10 and didn't say much when I asked about DHEA. He warned me that we may only get 2-4 eggs from me if we do IVF, which pretty much crushed me :(

    Me: 37 | DH: 41
    TTC Since 2011 DX: Unexplained 
    IUI's #1 - 3 = BFN
    IVF August 2014: FSH 4.1, PRL 15.3, TSH 2.1, W/ AFC 8.
     08/03 ER 5R, 4M, 3F. 08/08 5DT of 1-3AA0, 2 frozen :) bfp @9dp5dt. Beta on 08/20 = 414.
    So excited to have one little bean on the way!!

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