Baby Names

Opinions please

My sons middle name is a family name on my husbands side, and we would like to do the same for our daughter from my side of the family. The middle name we would really like to use is Mary. The only first name that we can agree on is Mila. So I'm curious, how ridiculous does Mila Mary sound? I don't think it's the best combination but I don't want to budge on either name. Any opinions are appreciated, thanks!
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#2 BFP 8/23/14, EDD 5/1/15, M/C 9/17/14 - Forever in our hearts <3

Re: Opinions please

  • It's a little sing-songy and not a combination that I'd normally endorse, but if you both love both names and want to use both, I don't think it's the worst thing that you can choose. And LO's ful name isn't used terribly often.
  • I don't think they sound very good together but flow isn't everything, and both are real names that you love. If it doesn't bother you, then go for it.
    Mary Jane {12} Kaden {10} Eliza {4} Due Sept. '14

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    Considering . . . Agatha, Beatrix, Clara, Daphne, Isadora, Josephine, Matilda, Philippa, Tabitha, Winifred . . .
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  • We use family names for middle names too.  I choose not to even consider flow, etc.  The meaning is what matters to us, so that trumps the other considerations.  The only thing I don't nix is checking the initials.  So I'd go with Mila Mary.
  • It's OK.

    May I suggest Mila Marie (french form of Mary)

    My thoughts, except I don't find it 'ok' : /  Personally, I don't think the combination goes together at all.


  • It's OK.

    May I suggest Mila Marie (french form of Mary)

    I do think that Mila Marie sounds better, however Marie wouldn't have the same meaning for us. If we don't go with Mary then we will probably go with another family name, Katherine. I do think Mila Katherine sounds really nice, but I'm still hung up on Mary. Thanks for the suggestion!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    #2 BFP 8/23/14, EDD 5/1/15, M/C 9/17/14 - Forever in our hearts <3

  • What about Milena Mary (Meh-lane-uh), nicknamed Mila?
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  • My niece is Milania Marie and we call her Mila!
  • What about Milena Mary (Meh-lane-uh), nicknamed Mila?

    I do like this suggestion, thanks! I'll have to see what my husband thinks.
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    #2 BFP 8/23/14, EDD 5/1/15, M/C 9/17/14 - Forever in our hearts <3

  • ==N====N== member

    Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about the flow, how often are you called by both names? The significance would trump that for me. It's not terrible flow and it's not giving her some terrible initials so I'd use it.


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  • 1A1A member

    I don't think they sound very good together but flow isn't everything, and both are real names that you love. If it doesn't bother you, then go for it.

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  • I, like my mother before me, use the full name when LO is in trouble.  There were a few names that made DH want to laugh whenever he said the whole thing.
    DS born 12/2012
    Little Squeaker due 6/2015
  • It is a little cutesy but, honestly, it wouldn't be a deal breaker to me. It's not like she's going to be called by her first and middle name all of the time. I always think it's more important for the first and last name to flow because THAT'S what's used all the time together. 
  • I like the name but not the combination.
  • What about Milena Mary (Meh-lane-uh), nicknamed Mila?

    I was going to say this!!

    Mila Katherine is very lovely too.

    VOTE on my Name List
  • Camila Mary nn Mila
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