Cloth Diapering

Working on a diaper stash. Thoughts?

brownmousebrownmouse member
edited April 2014 in Cloth Diapering
This isn't my first time cloth diapering, as we did BG OS pockets with DD, but it's been 3 years so I need help. We are only newly pregnant, but are starting the stash early because we are buying them used as we come across good deals to save money.

We have :

24 infant sized unbleached prefolds (cotton babies, I think)
7 thirsties duo size 1 (6 snaps, 1 aplix)
15 BG AIO free time (aplix)
15 BG OS pockets (snaps)
2 Thirsties OS pocket diapers
1 Pumpkin bums OS pocket diaper (a random diaper given to me. They never used it so not sure if it's terrible. Definitely made cheaply in China. Cute print though.)
3 rolls kushies flushable liners (were included with the prefold lot I bought, never used them so who knows anything about them?)

I am thinking I would like to try and sew up some one size pockets as well. My fabric store has TON of PUL prints by the yard so I'm going to get a bit and try one out.

How many days would this last me between washing if I didn't get anything else? We had 24 BG pockets with DD and I feel like we washed every third day, but I cant remember for sure.

We use seventh gen for the first month or so since I make small babies and the cloth didn't fit DD until she was a bit bigger. So no need for newborn dipes.

(Edited to add a few more BG pockets I picked up today. )
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Re: Working on a diaper stash. Thoughts?

  • That's like 55 diapers if you use the prefolds. That's way more than enough, but you still have to wash every 2-3 days or you'll get mildew and stink and stuff.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
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    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
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    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
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  • Just how small are your babies? A few companies make preemie sized prefolds. Given how many changes they go through in those early weeks, and that they have further to go before OS fit, it would be totally worth doing an NB stash. And when in doubt, there are always flats.
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  • Just how small are your babies? A few companies make preemie sized prefolds. Given how many changes they go through in those early weeks, and that they have further to go before OS fit, it would be totally worth doing an NB stash. And when in doubt, there are always flats.

    I've seen preemie prefolds and diapers, and we had some last time, but found that for us it was easier to just use sposies the forst month or so. DD wad 6 lbs at birth and went down to 5 lbs 14oz so it took a while for the BG to fit.
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  • Just how small are your babies? A few companies make preemie sized prefolds. Given how many changes they go through in those early weeks, and that they have further to go before OS fit, it would be totally worth doing an NB stash. And when in doubt, there are always flats.
    I've seen preemie prefolds and diapers, and we had some last time, but found that for us it was easier to just use sposies the forst month or so. DD wad 6 lbs at birth and went down to 5 lbs 14oz so it took a while for the BG to fit.
    We used disposables from the hospital and some we were gifted but IMO prefolds were so much blowouts! I think you've got plenty of diapers but if you want to add more I'd do a dozen smaller prefolds or add some work horse or fitteds in for easier changes.

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  • freezorburnfreezorburn member
    edited April 2014
    Just how small are your babies? A few companies make preemie sized prefolds. Given how many changes they go through in those early weeks, and that they have further to go before OS fit, it would be totally worth doing an NB stash. And when in doubt, there are always flats.
    I've seen preemie prefolds and diapers, and we had some last time, but found that for us it was easier to just use sposies the forst month or so. DD wad 6 lbs at birth and went down to 5 lbs 14oz so it took a while for the BG to fit.
    Honestly -- regular NB prefolds would be just fine if your new LO is the same as your DD. So would NB workhorses and Kissaluvs size 0. The longer you expect it to take for your OS stash to fit, the more financial sense it makes to invest in an NB stash. Especially since they have such good resale value. But really, it's your decision.

    ETA: DS was 6.5 lbs and I think also bottomed out at 5 lb 14 oz., which is right around when our diaper trial started. There were several preemie prefolds in the package, and they were too small. So while you may be expecting a baby on the small side, we are not talking preemie small.
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