September 2012 Moms


Anyone take them? I've been sick now 3x since February, like barfy sick. I ended up with a bug on Tuesday and I'm still not right. Can't eat anything other than crackers/sprite. I'm wondering if I take some probiotics and a multivitamin if this will help nip it in the bud. I'm sick of being sick!



Re: Probiotics

  • I take a probiotic every night.  I haven't had any gastrointestinal illnesses this winter (knock on wood).  I also take a multivitamin and Vitamin D.  
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  • Probiotics won't help you with viruses, but I know you know that. 

    That said, I am a HUGE advocate of them.  I take one every night with a vitamin.  They made my stomach feel weird for the first two days I took them, then I felt great.
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  • My g/f had somethign simliar recently - went to the doc and she actually had an intestinal bug that needed antiboitics.. 

    I have taken probiotics on and off - honestly I'm sure they help but I didn't notice anything.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We've had the flu bug twice and just on Tuesday I got this intestinal bug. I realize god probiotics won't get rid of sickies but i'm hoping it'll clean out my system in a way so I can start fresh. Thanks for the input ladies. I always thought probiotics=old lady! Hahaha not the case I guess.



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