I don't know too much about it but was wondering if anybody had it done and what your experience was with it. What was your reason, did insurance cover it, is it just a blood test, can they tell if your twins are identical? I want to know everything!
Re: Harmony test
BFP: 12/2/13, EDD: 8/17/13
Follow MacKenzie and Madison's Journey at randidooley.wordpress.com
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All I know is the MFM told me there were no other tests that would be reliable enough at that point. They said that I could do blood work for more DNA testing, but they aren't as reliable as they'd like them to be further in the pregnancy. That's why mine only really suggested the amnio at that point. I had already had the cf blood work done, but I didn't complete the rest.
BFP: 12/2/13, EDD: 8/17/13
Follow MacKenzie and Madison's Journey at randidooley.wordpress.com