TTC after 35

Weekly Check-In

This check in is for anyone on the board. There is a new check in for ladies over 40 but you are welcome to post both places if you want. Please intro on the main board before checking in so we can "meet" you!

1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from...

2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...?

3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist ( RE)? If so where are you at? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? Charting/temping?

4. Where are you in your cycle? ( Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?

5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)

What do you do to relieve stress?
***siggy/ticker warning***

Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

 IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
- poor responder
***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
FET 5/20- BFP
1st Beta- 641
2nd beta- 2166
Sono- TWINS!!!!
Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!



Re: Weekly Check-In

  • 1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from... 

    URMySunshine77 from California

    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...? 

    TTC#2 for two months, NTNP for three before that.

    3. What are you doing this cycle?

    Temping, Wondfo OPKs, decaf green tea, PNV, lots of water.

    4. Where are you in your cycle? ( Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww? 

    I am on CD16. I haven't had a positive OPKs yet, and I have been having EWCM this week. I bought some Wondfo HPTs, so I'll probably start testing around 12DPO.

    5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) 

    I feel terrible and anxious right now. I'm in the FW and we have not had sex for the past two days because DH has so much work. He stays up late working or falls asleep early because he has been working so much. I hope that we can tonight. It would mean so much to me. I've really backed off the nagging, but still. We gotta do this. As Cher said in the movie Clueless, "I [feel] impotent and out of control. Which I really, really hate."

    Tell me ladies, if applicable, how do you delicately initiate in your FW?

    QOTW: What do you do to relieve stress? 

    Drink some herbal tea and get a massage when I can.


                 Visit The Nest!image Visit The Nest!

      "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt


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  • ksgsmu said:
    Not trying to be crass but you just gotta get close and rub the weiner. ( maybe throw in some dirty talk) They stop thinking of all the reasons they won't/can't at that point :) There is no blod left in the brain to have a thought.   Seriously.  Works like a charm.
    Haha! I was expecting a flame, but I love this! Thanks.  :x


                 Visit The Nest!image Visit The Nest!

      "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt


  • 1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from...
    Tene' from Michigan

    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...?
    TTC #1 for 4 months

    3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist ( RE)? If so where are you at? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? Charting/temping?
    OPK, charting/temping, CM

    4. Where are you in your cycle? ( Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
    11 DPO, I'm not sure when I'll test.

    5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
    I go back and forth on how I feel.  Some days I'm hopeful and happy at the possibility.  Other days, it seems like AF is on its way and I feel sad and tired from another month of deferring the dream.  I'm afraid to get my hopes up too much but don't want to be a negative nellie either.  It's hard to stay neutral.

    What do you do to relieve stress? Read inspirational quotes that remind me what's important.

    Married 09/21/13 * TTC #1 Actively since January 2014
    Me:38 DH: 45, SA Normal
    Diagnosed unexplained infertility
    Nov 7 2014 - HSG
    Nov 30 2014 - BFP
    Dec 15 2014 - MC
    2015 - 3 Rounds clomid - all BFN
    2015 - 2 Rounds Femara - BFN
    (1) IUI August '15
    Switched REs
    IVF #1 clinical trial started January '16
    1/31/16: 26 eggs retrieved, 18 fertilized,  9 made it to blast
    2 month break in February/March '16
    FET planned for April/May '16
    FET resulted in BFP May '16
    MC due to Trisomy 7 in June '16
    FET #2 planned for August/September '16
    August 2016 - BFN
    Egg Retrieval October '16
    PGS tested embryos produced 7 normal embryos (4 males/3 females)
    Robotic Myomectomy for removal of Fibroids November '16
    April 7 2017 - Spontaneous BFP

  • 1. Grace from SC 

    2. TTC #2 - 2nd cycle since loss in Jan. We started NTNP in Sept 13 & Dec 13 we were officially TTC. 

     3. charting w/o temping & checking CM 

    4. I'm awaiting AF's arrival - started spotting today - already rec'd 2 BFNs so def out this cycle 

    5. I was v optimistic this cycle - I felt like I was back on track w my fw, good timing w sex, and had phantom symptoms ... so bummed that it was all in my head. This is really a journey that can mess with your head! But I'm still staying positive and I may do OPK's for next cycle...which will be the 1st time ever. Any tips? 

    QOTW: pedicures + champagne w a good friend :) 

     @URMySunshine77‌ sweet hubby knows when it's fw it's every night - most times they are quickies! No romance usually involved but maybe we shld be better abt that too :)

    @zantster good luck this cycle!  stay positive! 
    My Ovulation Chart

    BFP #1  6/14/2011 EDD 2/22/2012  DD 2/2/2012
    BFP #2 1/19/2014 EDD 9/27/2014 CP 1/24/2014

  • 1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from...
    Tat2Mami - Northern California

    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...?
    TTC #2 - This will be the 2nd month.

    3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist ( RE)? If so where are you at? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? Charting/temping?
    Not really doing a whole lot other than trying to be more aware of when I'm ovulating.

    4. Where are you in your cycle? ( Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
    Just finshed up with AF yesterday/today.

    5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
    I think I'm feeling hopeful. I felt so sure of it last month and was really disappointed when it didn't happen.  

    What do you do to relieve stress?
    My DH and I go to the gym a good 4-5 times a week. I love putting on my headphones and just zoning out while I run.


    @URMySunshine77 - Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you. I never have to initiate with my DH. That guy is ready to get it on all day, every day! I think that was part of our problem last month. He inisisted on doing it every single day. I told him that it's best to try every other day so that his sperm can build back up!
    But I agree with @ksgsmu .. if you start rubbing on him and talking dirty, Idon't think he'll be able to resist! ;-)

    Me: 38 ~  DH: 38 ~   DD: 8
    TTC #2 since March/April 2014.
  • 1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from... 
    mmerckle (Michelle) New Jersey
    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...? 
    TTC#1 for 2 years.

    3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist ( RE)? If so where are you at? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? Charting/temping?
    IUI #6 -- this was the second of two IUI cycles with injectable medications.  IUI#5 (First round with injections) was a BFN
    4. Where are you in your cycle? ( Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww? 
    I am one week into my 2WW.  I have my beta on Monday!

    5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) 
    I am anxious and hopeful and worried and everything that I could possibly be.

    What do you do to relieve stress? 
    Probably the worst thing ever....Eat!
    Dx: PCOS
    Hubby Dx: Abnormal morphology (4% critical morphology)
    TTC: Since May 2012
    Sept 2013 - IUI #1 - BFN
    Oct 2013 50mg clomid - IUI #2 - Chemical Pregnancy
    Nov 2013 100mg and 150mg clomid - IUI #3 - Chemical Pregnancy
    Jan 2014 150mg clomid - IUI #4 - BFN
    February 2014 - Gonal F Injections - IUI#5 - BFN
    March 2014 - Gonal F Injections - IUI#6 - BFN
    Switched doctors for good measure
    August 2014 - IVF #1 
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @URMySunshine77‌ I am of no help since we dealt with this before using DE. Its frustrating and disappointing. I've cried many times over this. He does have issues so I can't totally yell at him. Many times the month was lost. {{Hugs}}
    @mmerckle‌ everything crossed for you!! GL!

    1. Becky from Pitts
    2. Started with RE 4/11 and how funny that I'm cycling in April :)
    3. DE IVF#1
    4. Transfer on Saturday
    5. I have been an emotional wreck last few weeks. My coordinator called today and said I better calm down since I broke down at the office yesterday lol. I'm all good now until Saturday.... haha.

    QOTW: I'm with @mmerckle‌!!! Drink too.

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



         image   imageimage

  • Deb in NYC

    TTC #2 officially for 1 month, unofficially for 3

    AF arrived 2 days early this month, oh JOY!! I had realistic expectations that this cycle would more than likely be a bfn, we only had sex on the day of my + opk. I've looked at my past bfp charts and it appears consistent that we dtd the day before my + and the two days after a + on each of those cycles, so looks like that might be what we should try next month.

    We are moving in early May so I'm not optimistic we'll have a good timing or even be able to focus on this, we'll see how it pans out.

    QOTW: I like to read totally trashy women magazines when I'm stressed, it helps me totally zone out and it doesn't require any deep thought!!

    nate and teddy        <img src= width="150px">

    Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test.  *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
    ** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!

    TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015! 

     Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • CML11CML11 member
    1. CML, NH

    2. 1 year minus a few months

    3. What are you doing this cycle? Temping, going to do first IUI, charting, CM checking

    4. Where are you in your cycle? CD 25, waiting for AF. Probably show up when I'm on a plane, friends wedding or something else that's inconvenient this weekend. Because AF is a Bitch

    5. How do you feel about this cycle?
    Feeling down, frustrated, cranky and nervous for the IUI

    What do you do to relieve stress?
    Garden, shop, road bike as fast as I can (that works the best!) and spend time with my hubby. He's amazing at helping me relax!

    Question 2: Getting hubby in the mood
    I usually have it easy. He likes to have a heads up if we are in the fertility window so that he can take Cialis an hour before (I don't even see him do this). I think he can get performance anxiety with pressure of this window. If he has a heads up it gives him a chance to take a pill if he needs to. It really helps a lot. Last year prior to this arrangement it was frustrating and I would always take it personally that he had performance issues.
  • 1. Lady2010 in Boston

    2. TTC#1 since Mar 2012

    3. We have been seeing a RE since last summer.  This cycle we are doing a Natural FET cycle.  

    4. CD10.  Had my first monitoring u/s today.  1 follicle at 10mm.  Go back in on Friday for another u/s and b/w

    5. I would like to be optimistic but I just don't know 

    I eat or I go for a walk... hopefully now that the weather is improving it will be more of the latter!

    FX to everyone!
    ***signature/ticker warning***
    Me:37 DH:39
    TTC#1 since 3/2012

    Diagnosis : Unexplained Infertility

    3 BFN rounds Clomid + IUI
    IVF 1 - BFN, 1 Frozen
    IVF 2 - BFN, 5 Frozen
    FET 1 - BFP!!! EDD 1/24/15 Beta 1: 700, Beta 2: 2,156; 1st U/S 6w3d: HB 118bpm, 2nd U/S 9w3d: HB 171bpm

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • lcwedlcwed member
    edited April 2014
    @URMySunshine77‌ I hope you get lucky tonight and Clueless is one of my all time favorite movies.
    @zantster‌ Hang in there. I think the last 2 days of the 2WW are the worst.
    @graceanne927‌ and @TAT2MAMI‌ Sorry about this month.
    @mmerckle‌ FX for Monday.
    @BeckyP005‌ hope the transfer on Saturday is a success

    1. Lisa, TXT
    2. TTC#2 4 months
    3. Left over OPK from last cycle.
    4. Day 14. Probably nearing or in FW. OPK said high fertility, but I used last one this morning so no way to know from here on out.
    5. Not super confident. Unless I'm lucky enough to catch ovulation bleeding this month, it's a shot in the dark. Probably try every other day until the end of the month.

    QOTW: Unconsciously I eat chocolate but consciously I like to play Candy Crush or cross stitch.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Me 36 DH 39

    DD 3/29/12
                      BFP 6/4/14 ~ MMC 7/7/14 ~ D&C 7/15/14            
    BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC  12/29/14    

    TTCAL Siggy Challenge

  • 1. Your Name or Screen Name and State you are from...

    Gabbagal from MA

    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...?

    Mostly NTNP with a little bit of actively TTC (#1) off and on for a couple of years

    3. What are you doing this cycle?

    Taking a bit of a break this cycle. I started testing with an RE last month but didn't finish everything I was supposed to do so might pick that up again next month.

    4. Where are you in your cycle?

    CD 24

    5. How do you feel about this cycle?

    Strangely I've had two dreams this week where I was either pregnant, or thought I was pregnant which is odd since I have been a little removed from the whole process for the last two months as DH and I decide how/if we want to proceed. I guess just b/c you think you have tucked something away and told yourself you're not going to think about it doesn't mean your subconscious has agreed!

    What do you do to relieve stress?

    junk food and junk TV!
    Me: 41, DH: 42, married 2009
    BFP #1: 12/05/2012; EDD 08/09/2013; MC 01/2013 (missed, D&C)
    BFP #2: 12/19/2013; EDD 08/25/2014; MC 01/2014 (natural)
  • 1. Leanna from Virginia

    2. A year and a half

    3. Waiting to do first IUI after some weight loss.

    4. Waiting for AF

    5. Not hopeful. We've BD'd 2x this month. Neither in the FW. Eh.

    Grab my dogs and head out to the dogpark. Their love of the dogpark makes me happy.
    *TW below*
    Me: 40 DH: 38
    TTC since November 2012
    BFP IUI Cycle 2 Dec 2016
    Baby Boy Due Sept 12 2017
    Elias (Eli) born 9/2/17 at 7:07pm weight 8lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long!!

  • 1. Lia from Scotland
    2. TTC #1
    3. IVF in July
    4. CD 5, with AF still here.
    5. I'm really looking forward to it now that we have a definite date. We also decided we are syncing with my cycle, rather than Iona's, which honestly makes it a bit easier for me.

    QOTW: I've taken to running recently, and that really seems to work. I run through the woods just outside our village, and then onto the old coal railway lines, so it's about a six mile run, and I really love it.
  • 1. Jmaddiso, Originally from Oregon, but North Carolina is my true home.

    2. 4 months....maybe 5.

    3. I'm trying to track my cycles again after mc. So it's been difficult knowing when it would start and all that. I haven't started doing temp charting, but may do that if we get a bfn this weekend.

    4. Let's see....i'm 2 days away from testing, and have been experiencing a bit of nausea this week.

    5. I feel happy about it, and very hopeful. I am trying hard though not to be too hopeful or get myself to worked up for a bfp...just in case. It's hard this time though. I'm SUPER impatient to take the test and took one last night. It's too early to tell anything and the last time i used this brand, i had issues. Totally forgot and bought it again. Lol! So...we're going to go make a store run and get a different brand of tests before i test again. But the waiting is killing me.
  • Davie813Davie813 member
    edited April 2014
    1. Davie813, Chicago

    2. Cycle #5, TTC #2

    3. Temping, charting, opks, whole bunch of vitamins and supplements (just added wheatgrass and maca this cycle), preseed...

    4. CD 2

    5. Somewhat hopeful.  I should have done this all a long time ago, but for some reason now I'm really committed to eating better, cutting way back on alcohol, and getting some exercise.  I'm optimistic that the lifestyle adjustment will help.

    I don't have the presence of mind to respond to everyone individually today, but good luck to those of you who are in the 2WW or who have important appointments coming up!

    ETA, forgot QOTW.  Unfortunately, I really don't do anything positive to de-stress.  Like a couple of you have mentioned, lots of eating and stuff.  Due to everybody's crazy schedule, neither my husband nor I have any "me time" for book reading, walk-taking, etc (stuff I used to do to calm down), which is probably not helping the TTC situation. :(
    *****Signature/Ticker Warning******

    Me: 41, DH: 45
    DD, 6/15/2013
    TTC #2 beginning January 2014
    AMH 1.05; FSH range 7-11

    July 2014: IUI #1.  Follistim + Pregnyl.  2 follicles--BFN
    September 2014: IUI #2.  Follistim + Pregnyl + Ganirelix + Crinone.  4(?) follicles--BFN
    October 2014: IUI #3.  More Follistim + More Ganirelix + Pregnyl + Crinone.  4 follicles--BFP!  Beta #1=10 Beta #2=33 Beta #3=97 Beta #4=158.  M/C 11/1/14
    December 2014: IVF #1.  Microdose Lupron protocol.  9R, 9M, 9F.  3 5-day blasts transferred 12/15. BFFN.
    April 2015: IVF #2.  Microdose Lupron protocol.  16R, 15M, 12F. Transferred 2 5-day blasts 4/12 and froze 4--BFP!  M/C 5/25/15
    August 2015: IVF #3.  14R, 13M, 11F.  Froze 5 blasts for CCS testing.  3 normals.  FET planned for 10/2015.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    My Ovulation Chart

  • Well so much going on with me that it has been hard to read up and post a lot this week.

    I am waiting ( not so patiently) by the phone right now to get the call from the embryologist to tell me how many of my embies made it to blast and pgd testing.   This process has sucked the life out of me. I haven't slept in a week and last night I took a sleeping pill because I really needed the sleep.  I slept great but today so drowsy from the pill. Once we find out how many will get pgd we have to wait up to a week for the results. Then we decided which one/s to transfer.  I should get AF end of next week and start estrace for my FET cycle. 

    QOTW:  I prefer to zone out when I am stressed by watching crappy tv ( Real Housewives etc) and playing addictive games on my ipad (candy crush).  My husband doesn't understand this.

    I am rooting for all of you!!
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


  • ksgsmu said:

    I am waiting ( not so patiently) by the phone right now to get the call from the embryologist to tell me how many of my embies made it to blast and pgd testing.  
    I hope they get back to you soon, and with good news!
    *****Signature/Ticker Warning******

    Me: 41, DH: 45
    DD, 6/15/2013
    TTC #2 beginning January 2014
    AMH 1.05; FSH range 7-11

    July 2014: IUI #1.  Follistim + Pregnyl.  2 follicles--BFN
    September 2014: IUI #2.  Follistim + Pregnyl + Ganirelix + Crinone.  4(?) follicles--BFN
    October 2014: IUI #3.  More Follistim + More Ganirelix + Pregnyl + Crinone.  4 follicles--BFP!  Beta #1=10 Beta #2=33 Beta #3=97 Beta #4=158.  M/C 11/1/14
    December 2014: IVF #1.  Microdose Lupron protocol.  9R, 9M, 9F.  3 5-day blasts transferred 12/15. BFFN.
    April 2015: IVF #2.  Microdose Lupron protocol.  16R, 15M, 12F. Transferred 2 5-day blasts 4/12 and froze 4--BFP!  M/C 5/25/15
    August 2015: IVF #3.  14R, 13M, 11F.  Froze 5 blasts for CCS testing.  3 normals.  FET planned for 10/2015.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    My Ovulation Chart

  • @ksgsmu‌ fx for great news!!

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

    DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN  DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!



         image   imageimage

  • @ BeckyP005  thanks!  I have been thinking about you tons---  your transfer is soooo soon!!!
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


  • Ok I got the call.  Finally.  We have 13 that made it to blast/freeze and out of those 7 are the highest grade they give at the lab so we are going to send those particular 7 to pgd.  Whew.  This part is over.  Now to worry obsessively about the pgd results for a week.
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


  • @zantster: I know what you mean about back and forth. I hope that you receive your BFP soon.


    @graceanne927: I am so sorry about your loss and your BFN this month. That’s great that your husband is up for quickies! I would totally be into that.

    I hope to see you around!


    @TAT2MAMI: You’re in a great place in your cycle! I am so happy that your DH is up for sex so often. Going to the gym probably helps with all of those endorphins pumped up. With my drive, I could definitely have sex twice a day if DH were up for it.


    @mmerckle: FX that you receive positive news on your beta. :-)


    @JimBobCooter: I know what you mean. I love getting steps accomplished for the bigger picture. Good luck with your US. Hugs!


    @BeckyP005: Thanks for understanding. It is such a delicate line between discussing and harping. DH is the kind of guy that does not respond well to repeated requests. I told him this morning that tonight is the night, so maybe that helps.

    Sending much love and luck to you for your transfer.


    @Sidey: I hope that your timing works out in May. You never know! Good luck with moving, too.

    It’s great that you have time to read trashy magazines. As an English professor, that is definitely one of my guilty pleasures. I will unabashedly admit so. I know so much useless trivia from People.


    @CML11: I am sorry that you are feeling nervous. Good luck to you on your first IUI. I hope to see positive news. 

    Thank you as well for the advice about DH. I think that a heads up in the morning is going to be key.


    @Lady2010: Good luck with your natural FET cycle!!


    @lcwed: I hope that you hit some good days in your FW this month.

     I never get tired of watching Clueless.


    @gabbagal: I am also a vivid dreamer. It sounds like your subconscious is still working on TTC-related things.


    @soontobeshrader: I am also a dog lover. I take our mutt to the dog park, but she wants to leave. She is the kind of dog that wants to hang out with humans at home.

    Good luck on your next cycle if this one isn’t successful.


    @LaireandLia: I’m so excited for your IVF! The time is going to fly by before then.


    @Jmaddiso: FX that you get your BFP this cycle!


    @Davie813: I hope that this cycle goes well for you.

    Are you cutting caffeine as well as alcohol? I haven’t been drinking wine, but I do drink two mugs of half-caffeinated coffee each morning. I’ve been wondering if I should switch to decaf for TTC. Coffee is my biggest weakness.


    @ksgsmu: FX that you receive positive news today. Sending you a bear hug while waiting. Gahhh!


                 Visit The Nest!image Visit The Nest!

      "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt


  • Hi everyone, I've really enjoyed posting more often here and re-iterate how wonderful the support system is.  I'm at work so just going to answer the q's straightforward:

    1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from... 
    Radiantly, from Brooklyn NY

    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...? 
    TTC#1 since honeymoon August 2013 however I wasn't emotionally ready until Dec/Jan this year. That's when I started temping and paying close attention.

    3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist ( RE)? If so where are you at? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? Charting/temping?
    Just made annual appt with my gyno for May 3.  Have a couple RE recommendations and will consider making appt next month for some prelim test. I really don't want to take any meds but am curious to know if all is normal (both for me and for DH).

    I use Kindara app on my iphone and love it.  I was ovulating on the full moon for the last couple of months.  My CM started seeming fertile practically a few days after my AF finished last month. I think I ovulated super early but didn't use OPK b/c was travelling solo.  Was OPK+ when I got home and BD 4 times but we must've missed it.  
    4. Where are you in your cycle? ( Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww? 
    Like @tat2mami I am just finishing my cycle.  It's day 6.  My cycle was really different this month. Instead of tapering off slowly with a medium day after a zero day, it was medium, heavy, heavy, medium, medium.  ended abruptly today instead of spotting for 3 days.  i take this as a good sign that my body is preparing and regulating.
    My 2ww was so quick only 8 days, I had zero symptoms besides bloating. 

    5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) 
    Hopefull!  We aren't travelling and are going to BD often starting early. I'm going to buy preseed after work today.

    What do you do to relieve stress? 
    Watch mindless TV, eat, excersize, cry.
    TTC#1 since Aug 2013, I'm 37, DH 41.  
    Maya Arvigo Abdominal massage (daily self care), plus TTC meditations.
    I'm very sensitive to diet (gluten, avoid processed foods) and environment. Have a history of inflammation and tendinitis before going off gluten in 2009.  
    July 2014 - RE Visit #1: Eggs look good, Endometrioma on R ovary, HSG showed blocked R tube close to ovary. DH SA normal 
    DX: Endometriosis probably the IF cause and gunking up tubes.  Since egg reserve is high, RE says I can wait a couple months and then get laproscopic surgery to remove endo & clear tube.  If that doesn't help then move to IVF. 
    Dec 2014 - Saw new RE - does not recommend surgery on tube as it isn't likely to help.  Doubts I have endometriosis.  My endometrioma shrunk to neglible size (yay!) 
    Seriously considering IVF in March/April
    12/17/14 - Natural BFP! 
  • @Radiantly - My AF ended abruptly too! I wanna say by Tuesday afternoon, it was completely gone! Just gone .. none of the how shall I say it .. residue. (lol)

    I just started using an app called Ovia. It's wonderful. Very user friendly! ;)

    Me: 38 ~  DH: 38 ~   DD: 8
    TTC #2 since March/April 2014.
  • 1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from... 
    Daniele (DanieleandWayne). I'm from CT, but I live in Maine now.

    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...? 
    I'm TTC #2 now. Last time, it took 18 months and included one loss at 15 months, but I'm cautiously optimistic that my body will think, "hey, I've done this before-- ain't no thang!" and will not take as long, involve a loss, nor require drugs/RE intervention/etc.

    3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist ( RE)? If so where are you at? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? Charting/temping?
    I'm a charting queen. And slightly OCD about it. And by slightly, I mean completely. No RE unless it takes more than 6 months. 

    4. Where are you in your cycle? ( Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww? 
    I'm at cycle day 46 in my first cycle since getting AF back after my dd (who turns one June 1st). Yeah, day 46. My normal cycle is 29-30 days. What the what?

    5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) 
    Cautiously optimistic. Because to not be so would drive me batty and it's too early for that level of crazy; I need to pace my crazy for the long haul!

    What do you do to relieve stress? 
    Read. Watch TV. Bake. Eat all the baked goods. Currently, I'm also hooked on Cheez-Its, which is horrible because I'm all about the organic, homemade food and the Cheez-Its are wreaking HAVOC on my GI system. It ain't pretty, Ladies. It just ain't.  LOL

    "You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was." 
            -- Abraham Lincoln

                               Me:39  MH:39 
    DD born 6/1/2013 after 15 months of TTC with one loss.    
    TTC #2: BFP 4/22 but stalled growth and no HB at 9w3d on 5/30        

    <a href="" style="font-size:smaller;" >
    <br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>

  • 1. Astrabacus/Iona from Jonkoping, Sweden.
    2. Official TTC #1
    3. We have our first IVF in July!
    4. I'm on CD 10 now, and AF only left yesterday! Never had one so long before. I go on BC on day 1, 2 or 3 of my next cycle (my doctor says it doesn't matter which).
    5. Hopeful, I think. We have got our estimated dates now, and its really good to have something definite to look forward to.

    QOTW: I eat chocolate. Probably the worst thing to stop being stressed ever, but it works, so I don't plan on changing it.
    ****Older Child Warning****
    Me: 36 FI: 35 Met: August 1999, dated Sept - Dec '99 Reunited May 2008, Marrying June 2014
    Diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer January 1996
    One small cancerous cyst (left ovary) removed Jan '96, chemotherapy Jan - July '96
    Three more cancerous cysts found July 1996 (left ovary), ovary removed July '96, chemotherapy July '96 - Feb '97
    February 1997 given all clear!
    Told of suspected infertility
    Tove Ikarus born July 2010, given guardianship September 2010
    April 2014 infertility confirmed
    IVF with sister's eggs July 2014

    (Hopeful) adoption of Tove July 2015
    @LaireAndLia is my sister's partner, @DragonsLaire is my sister
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • 1. Rachel from PA

    2. TTC #1 since May/June 2013

    3. I don't know.  Still temping but undecided on whether that makes me more or less, or, probably, equally, crazy as not.  Will keep with OPKs, vitamins. Trying to find a way to just let go of TTC and be happy with the good things in my life instead of obsessing over what's missing.  So far unsuccessful.

    4. CD4, waiting to O.

    5. Trying to be optimistic, but failing miserably, and, hence, somewhat miserable.

    6. For stress...Running generally helps keep my stress in check, though since my last cycle was screwy (when I ran more in a week than ever before) running has now become a source of stress.  Thank you for that, TTC.  Friends, reading, watching a movie, and cooking all also help.  Or taking a nice long, hot bath.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm chiming in late this week because I've been slammed at work, but here ya go!

    Liz from Florida
    Just officially started TTC this month! :)
    Right now, DH and I are "winging it" (I'm charting). After 3 months of trying I'll start temping and after 6 we'll start working on our other options
    I think I'm still waiting to O (I'm on CD12 and I usually O between CD14-16)
    I'm a little anxious this cycle because it's my first full cycle of "trying" so we shall see what happens!
    Oh stress. I start by choosing what I allow to stress me. Things I do not have control over, I have learned to let it go. When I do get stressed I make sure to communicate that to whoever is stressing me (if it is a person causing it) or do some praying / meditating if its not a person, but a thing that is stressing me. 

  • Started with BD this morning - day 7 and ready to go! My plan is every other day until I feel like it needs to be every day.

    I forgot to mention that I also find meditation is really helpful when I'm stressed, so stressed I can hardly handle anything, and nothing is fun.

    I also love to cook.

    And sex.  Used to be that we never had sex, and I usually got stressed out from not having enough (I guess you can call it 'sexually frustrated'). But we were out of the habit of having sex so it was hard to remember that it could make me feel better.  Now, we are never lacking (at least, I am not.  He still wants it when I have AF. )
    TTC#1 since Aug 2013, I'm 37, DH 41.  
    Maya Arvigo Abdominal massage (daily self care), plus TTC meditations.
    I'm very sensitive to diet (gluten, avoid processed foods) and environment. Have a history of inflammation and tendinitis before going off gluten in 2009.  
    July 2014 - RE Visit #1: Eggs look good, Endometrioma on R ovary, HSG showed blocked R tube close to ovary. DH SA normal 
    DX: Endometriosis probably the IF cause and gunking up tubes.  Since egg reserve is high, RE says I can wait a couple months and then get laproscopic surgery to remove endo & clear tube.  If that doesn't help then move to IVF. 
    Dec 2014 - Saw new RE - does not recommend surgery on tube as it isn't likely to help.  Doubts I have endometriosis.  My endometrioma shrunk to neglible size (yay!) 
    Seriously considering IVF in March/April
    12/17/14 - Natural BFP! 
  • Hello ladies! Happy Friday!

    1. lm92599 So California

    2. TTC DH #1 2 years

    3. Moving on with IUI#2 

    4. CD1 is today. I go Sunday for CD3 baseline US. I am going to see if they will increase the Clomid this time.

    5. I just want to get started :)

    well to relieve stress I run, lift weights, yoga.. walk the dog... hang out side in the sun.. :)
    Me: 35  low AMH, normal FSH
    DH: 31 Fair DNA fragmentation test :( Normal SA
    TTC: since March 2012

    09-21-13 start IVF #1
    10-04-13 ER 6 eggs, 6 mature, all 6 fertilized. 3 frozen
    10-08-13 fresh transfer canceled due to high progesterone
    waiting for FET
    10-18 started BCP
    10-29 baseline appt scheduled
    11-20 scheduled date of FET #1
    12-2 BFN :(

    3-1-14 moving on to the next step. Switched RE. going to plan 3 IUI cycles while saving for IVF#2

    April 2014- IUI#1  BFN
    May 2014- IUI#2 BFN
    June 2014 IUI#3 BFN

    Taking a break for a while, focusing on our wedding.

    Sept 24th missed period! Surprise natural BFP
    10-15-14 first ultrasound
    06-05-15 EDD


  • 1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from... 
    mindaa from Phoenix

    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...? 
    TTC #1 for 2+ years

    3. What are you doing this cycle? acupuncture, herbs, temp/chart

    4. 2ww. No signs of O, no phantom symptoms, so won't test unless I'm seriously late. 

    5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) 
    This month seems to be a bust so I'm just hoping AF is early so we can move on.

    What do you do to relieve stress? Run! (or another workout) It's the only thing that works for me. I read a ton, but I can't sit still until I've had a good workout.  :)
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • 1) Margaret from Michigan
    2) TTC#1 since June 2012
    3) Seeing an RE. Currently having a m/c and waiting for my levels to drop to zero. Will wait for clearance to do a 5th IUI with injections.
    4) I guess it is cd4? Though the nurse said this is not consider a menses
    5) I'm mostly pissed off and sad but trying to see the positive out of a crappy situation. I plan to use the next four to six weeks to eat healthier, exercise and try a 30 day fertility cleanse.
    6) Stress makes me sleep and eat. Will try to overcome these bad habits as soon as I'm "back to normal".

    Good luck to all of you this month. Fx for positive news!!
    Siggy Warning

    TTC#1 since June 2012

    Dx: Unexplained Infertility / AMA

    BFP after 4th IUI cycle with Gonal F + Ovidrel on March 2014 | EDD 12/7/14 | MMC on 4/14/14 

    IUI#5 with Gonal F and Ovidrel trigger on 6/6 - BFN

    On to IVF #1 with a new RE. Started Gonal F and Menopur on 8/15.  Added Ganirelix on 8/24. Trigger on 8/26 for ER on 8/28. 8R 7M 3F.  Transferred all 3 on 8/31. BFP on 9/11 | EDD 5/20/15 - Beta #1: 56.7. Beta #2: 97. Beta #3: 1148. Beta #4: 3559. Beta #4: 7678. MMC confirmed on 10/13. D&C on 10/14 at 9w. Confirmed male with Trisomy 14.

    On to IVF #2 in March. CCS Testing on 2 embies. No go. Waiting to start IVF #3 in July. Surprise BFP on 6/14! EDD - 2/20/16 - Beta #1: 121.4. Beta #2: 236.4. Beta #3: 2014.

    December 4image

  • @Radiantly It's amazing how close we are in our TTC journey.  My pre seed even just arrived via Amazon a few minutes ago!  One of the things that helps me stay stress free is knowing there are others on similar paths as mine.

    @Tsuga I'm also trying to do the same thing as you so beautifully put it, "Trying to find a way to just let go of TTC and be happy with the good things in my life instead of obsessing over what's missing."  This morning me and DH slept in until almost 10:30.  I'm told by many parents to soak up this luxury and privilege cause it goes out the window once LO's arrive!  Of course we're still eagerly anticipating a few LO's.  But we're also enjoying being DINKs and newlyweds until the time comes.  And I also use inspirational quotes to remind me to not worry or fear.

    Married 09/21/13 * TTC #1 Actively since January 2014
    Me:38 DH: 45, SA Normal
    Diagnosed unexplained infertility
    Nov 7 2014 - HSG
    Nov 30 2014 - BFP
    Dec 15 2014 - MC
    2015 - 3 Rounds clomid - all BFN
    2015 - 2 Rounds Femara - BFN
    (1) IUI August '15
    Switched REs
    IVF #1 clinical trial started January '16
    1/31/16: 26 eggs retrieved, 18 fertilized,  9 made it to blast
    2 month break in February/March '16
    FET planned for April/May '16
    FET resulted in BFP May '16
    MC due to Trisomy 7 in June '16
    FET #2 planned for August/September '16
    August 2016 - BFN
    Egg Retrieval October '16
    PGS tested embryos produced 7 normal embryos (4 males/3 females)
    Robotic Myomectomy for removal of Fibroids November '16
    April 7 2017 - Spontaneous BFP

  • 1)Samuelismomma (Sally), IN 2) one year this month...3) taking prenatal,b complex , co q10 , and using opk..3) got positive opk more bd'ing lol...4) optimistic this month..for stress long walks,music and reading!
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
  • (warning: loss mentioned and child mentioned)

    1. Your Name or Screen Name ( not full names) and State you are from...
    vballgirl78... from WI

    2. How long have you been TTC? TTC#1 or TTC#2, 3 etc...?
    #1 was born in Jan. 2012 (after 3 months of TTC).  We started TTC #2 in Feb. 2013 and got a BFP after 5 months.  We lost that baby at 8 weeks, 3 days and are now on our 7th month of trying post loss.  So, 12 months of TTC #2 at this point.

    3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist ( RE)? If so where are you at? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? Charting/temping?
    I am charting/temping daily with FF.  I am also working on losing some weight and getting healthier.  If we aren't pregnant by the time this school year is over, I might consider seeking an RE for another opinion.  My OB/GYN says everything looks good at this point.

    4. Where are you in your cycle? ( Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
    AF is here, so waiting to O

    5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
    I don't know yet... I do feel pretty good about the changes I'm making to my overall health.  I'm down 5 pounds so far and I hope to keep going.  Little steps at a time... hoping this makes a difference for us.

    What do you do to relieve stress?
    curl up on the couch with DH and watch t.v. or snuggle with DD


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    BFP #1: 5/24/11, DD#1 Born 1/16/12
    BFP #2: 7/24/13, MC: 8/28/13 @8weeks, 3days

  • @zantster I just found some in CVS the other da, it is with insertion tubes (like clear tampon applicators) and we used it this morning.  I've been feeling so blah and bloated.
    TTC#1 since Aug 2013, I'm 37, DH 41.  
    Maya Arvigo Abdominal massage (daily self care), plus TTC meditations.
    I'm very sensitive to diet (gluten, avoid processed foods) and environment. Have a history of inflammation and tendinitis before going off gluten in 2009.  
    July 2014 - RE Visit #1: Eggs look good, Endometrioma on R ovary, HSG showed blocked R tube close to ovary. DH SA normal 
    DX: Endometriosis probably the IF cause and gunking up tubes.  Since egg reserve is high, RE says I can wait a couple months and then get laproscopic surgery to remove endo & clear tube.  If that doesn't help then move to IVF. 
    Dec 2014 - Saw new RE - does not recommend surgery on tube as it isn't likely to help.  Doubts I have endometriosis.  My endometrioma shrunk to neglible size (yay!) 
    Seriously considering IVF in March/April
    12/17/14 - Natural BFP! 
  • @Radiantly Did it kill the mood at all to use it? In other words did you have to apply it in front of DH or could you do it on your own a little bit before? Btw sometimes I take a few days from the boards to prevent myself from obsessing too much.  I just wanted you to know in case in the future it takes a minute to hear back from me.

    Married 09/21/13 * TTC #1 Actively since January 2014
    Me:38 DH: 45, SA Normal
    Diagnosed unexplained infertility
    Nov 7 2014 - HSG
    Nov 30 2014 - BFP
    Dec 15 2014 - MC
    2015 - 3 Rounds clomid - all BFN
    2015 - 2 Rounds Femara - BFN
    (1) IUI August '15
    Switched REs
    IVF #1 clinical trial started January '16
    1/31/16: 26 eggs retrieved, 18 fertilized,  9 made it to blast
    2 month break in February/March '16
    FET planned for April/May '16
    FET resulted in BFP May '16
    MC due to Trisomy 7 in June '16
    FET #2 planned for August/September '16
    August 2016 - BFN
    Egg Retrieval October '16
    PGS tested embryos produced 7 normal embryos (4 males/3 females)
    Robotic Myomectomy for removal of Fibroids November '16
    April 7 2017 - Spontaneous BFP

  • @zantster - nope it is quite hard to kill the mood with my DH.  i applied it right there and then, lol, i read the instructions with the packet on my chest while lying in bed and he was looking at his phone doing tumblr or whatever.  he is very easy to be in the mood.  i realize that is lucky for us.
    TTC#1 since Aug 2013, I'm 37, DH 41.  
    Maya Arvigo Abdominal massage (daily self care), plus TTC meditations.
    I'm very sensitive to diet (gluten, avoid processed foods) and environment. Have a history of inflammation and tendinitis before going off gluten in 2009.  
    July 2014 - RE Visit #1: Eggs look good, Endometrioma on R ovary, HSG showed blocked R tube close to ovary. DH SA normal 
    DX: Endometriosis probably the IF cause and gunking up tubes.  Since egg reserve is high, RE says I can wait a couple months and then get laproscopic surgery to remove endo & clear tube.  If that doesn't help then move to IVF. 
    Dec 2014 - Saw new RE - does not recommend surgery on tube as it isn't likely to help.  Doubts I have endometriosis.  My endometrioma shrunk to neglible size (yay!) 
    Seriously considering IVF in March/April
    12/17/14 - Natural BFP! 
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