I'm setting here listening to my coworkers talk. One guy and his wife just had a new baby and I asked if the baby was still waking a lot at night and he said yes that she is waking every 2 hours. He then said it was because his wife was BFing and that BM is so thin and there is not much to it that she is not satisfied and it doesn't fill her up. I tried to explain why they feed more often on BM but it just wasn't getting through. And then my other coworker chimed in that yea she understands because her son was born at 10 lbs and just wasn't getting satisfied with BM so she switched him to formula with rice cereal in it at 3 DAYS!!! I stepped back and stopped commenting at that point. The conversation then went on with comments to the effect that if they just fed the babies formula they would be sleeping for 6 hours (at like a week old). The guy even made the comment that since his wife wanted to EBF that it was on her to wake and feed the baby and take care of it. That is kind of a duh comment but he made it sound like he wasn't giving her very much support over the decision.
There is just so much wrong with the whole conversation. Recently I've noticed that I've been given an amazing amount of bad advice on feeding my baby. Just the other day a women who is supposed to be educated in the development of babies and toddlers suggested I start giving my baby extra water so that he "learns to like it now" so I won't have problems later on. I can't count the number of times I've been asked if I'm feeding him cereal yet or purees or "Why isn't he STTN yet? Just give him some cereal and you'll both get a good nights sleep." I just want to tell everyone "How do you think women and babies did it 100 years ago before formula and rice cereal?"
Ugh. Sorry for the notclothdiaperness complaint. I've just got to talk about it somewhere. No one else IRL (besides my very supportive and understanding husband) seems to get it. And just for clarification purposes I'm not what you could term extreme in my views. I currently don't plan to do extended BFing and I will probably introduce solids of some form as soon as he shows an interest or maybe just a touch of cereal before bed at 4 months if the pedi okays it and we are still having sleeping problems.
Re: Can I do a NCDR UO today?
But you're right. People give out way too much terrible advice. My SMIL suggested I give E the powdered jello mix mixed with water in a bottle. At 3 weeks old. What possible reason could that be good?
I have no problem with people choosing formula for whatever reason. But formula and rice cereal to force a 3 week old to "STTN" is ridiculous.
IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
beta #2 11/28 = 2055
Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
Oh, I'm mostly not in to the purees either. I'll keep some on hand just for convienience at times but we are going the BLW route mostly. And what purees I do have are going to be "normal" things like applesauce, pears, peaches, peas, etc. No meats or crazy concoctions. Oh and it was 3 DAYS! My jaw almost dropped at that comment. Formula is fine. Force feeding several ounces with rice cereal before bed in not fine.
smh. Extended bfing is great if that's what you want to do. I just don't enjoy bfing enough to continue past a year or so. In fact I'm hoping to build enough stash to be able to stop a little sooner. Extreme isn't really the right word for what I meant. Just not as usual as only bfing to a year.I haven't read that yet but I will. Really the only reason I'm thinking about trying (if it doesn't work then it doesn't and I stop feeding it) is if I can feed a little bit made with BM after his nighttime feed and get him to sleep 4 hours rather than 2. It's killing me to get up every 2ish hours and then go to work all day. He's just hungry enough by that time that there is no way to get him back down without feeding. We've tried. And MH can't afford to go to work groggy either. We both work in jobs that we need to be focused and awake just for the safety aspect.
BFP #1 ended in MMC. Discovered Oct 2005 @10w5d, baby stopped growing around 6w. D&C.
BFP#2 Nov 2005. Baby's heart stopped @ 8w3d. D&C Jan 2006. Trisomy 18
BFP#3 Nov 2006. My "miracle baby" DD born 7/25/07
BFP #4 11/6/12. EDD 7/16/13~my birthday! No sac found @ 5w1d, betas not increasing. Natural m/c started 11/20/12.
BFP#5 11/9/13. EDD 7/21/14 Our beautiful rainbow born on his due date!!
Yes, a breastfed baby typically needs to eat more often but that's because breast milk is the perfect food for babies and their little bodies digest it easily and quickly. Formula isn't evil but breast milk is better. There's no need to sugar coat it, that's the truth. Babies don't need solids at one week...or even at 4 months. They just don't. It doesn't make them sleep longer either. There are FF babies that sleep like crap and breastfed babies that sleep like champs. The first 6 weeks of their life is like a constant growth spurt. Nursing a newborn is hard work and all consuming. If I didn't have the support of my husband I don't know what I would do. It really sounds like that poor woman's husband is a super jerk and I feel for her.
I hate the stupid "just feed them formula" mentality. Too many of my friends have had to stop breastfeeding because they have to go back to work and don't have the resources and support to continue. Misinformation like the conversation you overheard play into this and it's not right.
And I'm with TJ. Don't feed your baby rice cereal at 4months. I tried purees with DD and she hated them. I fell into BLW before I knew it was a thing and it's so much easier.
I read somewhere (forgive my laziness for not going to look for it) that newborns NEED to wake constantly. it's part of how they grow and develop. It's just for a short time in your life. Suck it up!
This is what I tell myself with BF too. I feel so trapped right now, like I can't do anything but BF. This is only a year (give or take) out of my life and such a great thing for LO that I just need to "suck it up" for a few more months.
After 4 months it got better and by 8-10ish it was easy and convenient. I nursed for a year and a half. If you're just at the beginning, I promise it gets better and you're right, it's just for such a short time. You have a good mentality though. It's only for a little while
He just turned 5 months. I feed on demand and he seems to always demand! I was thinking of starting a garden but, who am I kidding? When I get home from work he comes at me with mouth open and legs kicking and won't let me put him down. I am trying to babywear but I am not good at it yet.
Thank you for the hope!
SInce we are talking about BFing..anyone know a good way to get DH on board with being supportive? He doesn't care how I feed baby either way and even suggested that I EP b/c he thinks "bottles are easier". Tried explaining to him that EP is much more difficult than BF.
He also thinks you can just put the baby up to your nipple and they start drinking. Really has no clue..I've explained to him that it can be difficult and exhausting and needs a lot of support.
Anyone have any suggestions?
BFP #1 ended in MMC. Discovered Oct 2005 @10w5d, baby stopped growing around 6w. D&C.
BFP#2 Nov 2005. Baby's heart stopped @ 8w3d. D&C Jan 2006. Trisomy 18
BFP#3 Nov 2006. My "miracle baby" DD born 7/25/07
BFP #4 11/6/12. EDD 7/16/13~my birthday! No sac found @ 5w1d, betas not increasing. Natural m/c started 11/20/12.
BFP#5 11/9/13. EDD 7/21/14 Our beautiful rainbow born on his due date!!
Also, I never understood the whole purees being convenient when going out. I kind of think they are the opposite of convenient. Cuz then when you go out your lugging around jars of food, dirty spoons, bibs, ect. You then have to stop whatever your doing while your out and spoon feed. It always seemed easier to just order a side plate of veggies or take a little of what I'm eating off my plate when we went out for the day. Less stuff to drag around.
He just turned 5 months. I feed on demand and he seems to always demand! I was thinking of starting a garden but, who am I kidding? When I get home from work he comes at me with mouth open and legs kicking and won't let me put him down. I am trying to babywear but I am not good at it yet.
Thank you for the hope!
Have you tried a Mei tai style carrier. My LO had always liked to nurse a lot and I can do it completely hands free in a Mei tai. I had an infantino one first and it worked great but I just upgraded to a Tula and I'm in love with it. He usually nurses to sleep in it.I agree with @Nana_Osaki06 about the ring sling. The only benefit the Ergo has over the ring sling (when it comes to nursing) is a hood that snaps in place. It keeps Mr. Noseypants' attention on his milk.
Edit autocorrect fail
IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
beta #2 11/28 = 2055
Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
BFP #1 ended in MMC. Discovered Oct 2005 @10w5d, baby stopped growing around 6w. D&C.
BFP#2 Nov 2005. Baby's heart stopped @ 8w3d. D&C Jan 2006. Trisomy 18
BFP#3 Nov 2006. My "miracle baby" DD born 7/25/07
BFP #4 11/6/12. EDD 7/16/13~my birthday! No sac found @ 5w1d, betas not increasing. Natural m/c started 11/20/12.
BFP#5 11/9/13. EDD 7/21/14 Our beautiful rainbow born on his due date!!