---- Siggy warning ------
Me 34 y/o DH 35 y/o
IVF#1 (ICSI)-- April 2014-- MDL with BCP, 5R, 4 ICSID, 3dt with three embryos, 1 six-day freeze (2BA grade)-- BFN
IVF#2.1 (ICSI)-- August 2014: MDL without BCP-- cancelled
Natural IUI on 11/8 -- BFN
IVF#2.2 (ICSI)--Nov/Dec 2014: MDL without BCP, 5R, 1 ICSID, frozen on day 6 (grade 2BB)
FET #1: transferred two 5 (or 6?)day embryos on January 27. Beta #1 (2/4): 158, Beta #2 (2/6): 391 Beta #3(2/9): 1187 BFP!
First u/s at 5w1d showed one gestational sac and yolk sac. Second u/s at 6w showed heartbeat at 102. Third u/s at 7w heart rate 145. EDD 10/15/2015
Re: Ovidrel freak out
IUI#4 1/23/13 on 75iu x9 Follistim = BFP then chem preg m/c (Feb 2013)
IUI#5 BFN (April 2013)
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ttc #2 since 2004 Me (35): Stage 3 Endo, DH (34): High DNA Frag
IVF/ICSI #2: April 2014: BFP!!!!!!
ET of 2 great quality embryos. + BFP on 9dp5dt. Beta #1 (10dp5dt): 257, Beta #2 (14dp5dt): 1561,
Beta #3 (21dp5d5): 8,172. Wow. It seems this is actually working. Shocked beyond belief.
1st u/s @6w5d: Baby A hb 124, Baby B hb 127 (Both measuring perfectly!)
Lost baby A. Praying that baby B stays healthy. Baby B hb 175 at 11 weeks
It's a GIRL!!!
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