Cloth Diapering


I have 24 NB pre-folds and I know I need at least a dozen more (I also have 2 RaR AIOs and 3 covers...working on at least 3 more AIOS and 1-2 more covers) should I make my last dozen a yellow edge rather than orange?  Will they be too bulky on a NB?  Baby is not born yet but judging by the size of my other kids should be in the mid to upper 7 lbs range at birth.  I'm also not opposed to supplementing with sposies if necessary.  We have a full stash of OS BG 4.0.  

Thoughts?  (Sorry for duplication I'm sure this has been asked before)

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Re: Pre-folds

  • I would almost do that final 12 workhorses or 6 workhorses. Those are good for lazy middle of the night changes.
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